Despite a huge, concerted effort by homosexual activists to derail Franklin Graham's Festival of Hope, dramatic testimonies from thousands reveal tears, brokenness, salvation - assurance of a ‘new beginning’ for Iceland. Last Sunday, as Icelanders responded…
'Bionic man' warns of ethical minefield
29 Sep 2013
Bertolt Meyer, the academic known as "the bionic man", said yesterday that scientists and engineers should not be allowed to launch some technological advances on the open market without a prior ethical debate. Meyer, a key…
Over 10,000 people have signed the Jubilee Debt campaign petition for a ‘Jubilee for Justice’ calling for cancellation of the unjust debts of the most indebted nations, the promotion of just and progressive taxation policies, and…
Parents’ responsibilities would come under attack from a Scottish Government plan to allocate a state guardian for all children, an MSP has said. Liz Smith said the proposal implies it is the state, rather than parents…
In Manado, the Christian community is thriving. Yet, like so many other places around the world, young people are turning away from their faith in record numbers. Distracted by secular culture and worldly influences, they have…
In Manado, the Christian community is thriving. Yet, like so many other places around the world, young people are turning away from their faith in record numbers. Distracted by secular culture and worldly influences, they have…