Last year a three-phase plan to eradicate unregistered house churches began (See Prayer Alert 17-2012). Since then persecution has risen by 42%. 442 of the arrests were clergy. The three-phase approach arose because the government sees…
In a poor gypsy neighbourhood of Istanbul sits a Syrian Orthodox refugee. He worked as a dentist in Aleppo until lack of food, electricity, water, and constant fear of sniper-fire and kidnapping of Christians made life…
More than 3,000 people have been killed since 2009 by Boko Haram, a northern-based extremist group once known as the Nigerian Taliban. John Onaiyekan, Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Abuja, warned that the violence perpetrated by…
Open Doors reports the March 4th general election in Kenya is the first under a new constitution with many new elective and nominative posts. Historically violent outbreaks follow elections. 1,000+ died in 2007 post-election violence. Political…
Local Christian Danny Stupple announced this week that he is standing in the Eastleigh by-election. He has launched a campaign with a strong emphasis on authentic marriage. In a press release he said: ‘I think a…
There are many Christian servicemen and women within the British Armed Forces. Often they are alone and isolated especially during deployment. They need our love, support and encouragement. This week the Minister for Defence announced, ‘The…