John Sentamu, the charismatic Archbishop of York, appears to have been snubbed in the hunt for a successor to Rowan Williams, amid claims that church leaders are in ‘deadlock’ and could take months to nominate a…
An aid minister has accused the EU of squandering hundreds of millions of pounds of British taxpayers’ cash on countries that are too wealthy to need help. Alan Duncan said that while he shared the public’s…
The beleaguered British banking industry has faced angry politicians, regulators and consumers. This Autumn, a new player has joined the inquisition: a bespectacled bishop wearing a cross made of nails. The Right Reverend Justin Welby, Bishop…
The Church of England is encouraging people to engage in its Church Growth Research Programme. The programme is exploring the factors behind spiritual and numerical church growth. The Church of England is working with researchers at…
The Government’s chief drugs adviser has heavily criticised a Channel 4 programme showing volunteers taking ecstasy. Professor Leslie Iversen, chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, said the programme may ‘glamorise’ drug-taking as…
Coffee-shop owners in the city of Haarlem have reached an agreement with the mayor, which they believe will make the introduction of the weedpass unnecessary in their city. Under the covenant, the owners have pledged to…