The Government has dropped its plans to hold a public consultation on whether women seeking an abortion should be offered independent counselling. Health Minister Anna Soubry announced, last week, that the Government ‘did not intend to…
Worldwide: Disabled people not to be ignored Disabled people must be put ‘at the heart’ of international development, The Leprosy Mission has said. The estimated billion disabled people worldwide were ‘not effectively included’ within the Millennium…
There has been a steep increase in persecution across the ‘10/40 window’ in the last decade, says Gospel for Asia. It warned that in India alone there had been a ‘400 per cent’ increase in persecution.…
A man sentenced to 190 years behind bars for a brutal murder is now leading a prison church in Colombia. According to associate mission partners Pancha and Terry Barratt, this came about through the prayers of…
A man sentenced to 190 years behind bars for a brutal murder is now leading a prison church in Colombia. According to associate mission partners Pancha and Terry Barratt, this came about through the prayers of…
Barclays and Coutts have announced that they will withdraw their support for Stonewall's Awards event unless the homosexual campaign group drops the 'Bigot of the Year' category. Coutts and Co stated: ‘We have advised Stonewall that…