A conservative group is preparing legal action to challenge last Tuesday’s vote that cleared the way for a mosque to be built near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks. The American Center for Law and…
Following news that an Evangelical church in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgystan, was robbed three weeks ago, comes news that six other churches in the city have since been attacked. Sending details of the original attack…
A pre-planned and coordinated attack by security forces on a bus full of Christians in the city of Mashhad resulted in all the occupants being arrested. They were travelling to join fellow believers when security forces…
A week before the Rwandan presidential election the authorities have violated press freedom by jailing journalists and closing news media. Also a newspaper editor was murdered last month. The repressive measures intensified prior to the election…
We have been asked to pray for Christian communities in flood disaster areas who are not receiving aid due to religious discrimination. A trusted source said, ‘Things in the West province Khyber Pukhtoonkhaw are quite bad.…
Kenya’s President appealed for peace as Kenyans vote this weekend on a draft constitution intended to limit the powers of the president and set up a commission to settle land disputes that fuelled past violence. Pastor…