Religiously 'illiterate' politicians
04 Nov 2010
The Church of England has accused the last Labour government of being ‘religiously illiterate’ and treating believers as ‘sub-rational’ elements that must be contained. Left-wing politicians fostered a culture of suspicion towards all faith groups in…
Christians' freedom to express beliefs at risk
04 Nov 2010
Prominent clerics, including Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, argue that supporters of homosexual rights must not be allowed to ‘coerce silence’. Their comments centre on a landmark legal challenge by a churchgoing couple who…
Bibles burned, hymnbooks slashed
04 Nov 2010
Yobs in West Yorkshire burned Bibles and slashed hymnbooks in an attack against a Methodist church in a village near Bradford. The attack on Birkenshaw Methodist Church was discovered earlier this week when an art group…
Fight the good fight
04 Nov 2010
Veteran civil rights campaigner and Baptist minister the Rev Jesse Jackson has urged Christians never to stop fighting for the poor - especially in this period of austerity. During a brief visit to the UK the…
The Archbishop of York, Dr Sentamu, said it was ‘madness’ to cut investment from public services and communities after the Government unveiled its cuts to public spending in the Comprehensive Spending Review. Dr Sentamu urged people…
Call for more abortion counselling provision
04 Nov 2010
Tory MP Nadine Dorries urged the Government to instruct clinics to provide counselling to women who seek terminations. She said such ‘informed consent’ would lead to a reduction in UK abortion figures, currently around 200,000 a…