Displaying items by tag: 24:14 Prayer Task Force

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

BOOK: 24:14 A Testimony to ALL Peoples

Jesus promised: "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all ethnē (people groups), and then the end will come."

The 24:14 Vision is to see the gospel shared with every people group on earth in our generation.

We long to be in the generation that finishes what Jesus began and other faithful workers before us have given their lives to.

Examples of kingdom movements can be found dotted throughout church history, yet God is doing something unique in our day. Movements are more numerous and widely spread than ever before.

We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime.

We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.

Order online: https://www.amazon.com/24-14-Testimony-All-Peoples/dp/1687755868

Published in Testimonies
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

24:14 – Prayer and Mission Unite

24:14 is a community of people catalyzing, nurturing, and supporting church planting movements globally.

The vision of the 24:14 Coalition is to see every unreached people and place engaged with a reproducing Church Planting Movement team by the end of 2025.

Strategic Prayer for Movements

The vast majority of new movements are started by existing movements. Supporting existing movements through prayer (receiving specific prayer requests from existing movements) gives strategic prayer access toward seeing more movements started, and thus, the fulfilment of the 24:14 vision.

God is joining prayer movements directly with mission movements through trusting relationships. As a result, the 24:14 prayer team has launched a unique prayer initiative for mission work today amongst the least reached peoples and places. They are receiving prayer news and requests from church planting movement leaders around the world, and sharing these with the wider Body of Christ.

These valuable insights into the needs and opportunities in movements, and work amongst unreached people groups, give strategic prayer access toward Kingdom advance. Each week the requests focus on a different region of the world. They are sent out via email on Sundays (September only), Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Join us as we pray for movements and movement catalysts to find and fill every gap where there is not yet CPM engagement!

Sign Up For Prayer Updates from Church Planting Movement Leaders

For more information about the 24:14 Prayer Team please email us at:   prayer@2414now.net

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:47

Book: 24:14 - A Testimony to All Peoples

Many people are looking for articles to learn more about what God seems to be doing in our generation through what we call "Church Planting Movements."

This book is very much that - a 'best of' compilation written by some of the leaders of these amazing works of God, who have been led to partner together in the 24:14 coalition.

It contains inspiring testimonies about how these movements are breaking out around the world.

24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples is available now on Amazon (for Kindle and paperback), as well as on a number of other platforms such as Apple Books (free) and Barnes & Noble (free).

Our goal is to make it as widely available as possible. On Amazon, the eBook is priced at the minimum allowable price of $0.99, and on many other platforms it is free.

We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime. We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.

Published in Testimonies
Wednesday, 01 May 2019 04:15

24:14 – 21 Days of Prayer for the Unreached

The 24:14 Community is challenging our prayer partners to join in 21 days of prayer and fasting as God leads for the acceleration of movement engagement in every unreached people and place by 2025. Click on the link below for a two-page reusable 21-day prayer guide to focus your prayers and provide specific prayer points for Church Planting Movements. 


  • Pray for the upcoming Ibero-America regional meeting, that out of it a regional team will be formed that spearheads movement engagement of all remaining unreached peoples and places in the region.
  • Pray for movement leaders globally to share movement data with 24:14 so that we have a complete picture of the remaining gaps to share.
  • Pray for volunteer translators for every major language to translate the 24:14 website, vision book, and other materials
  • Pray for every country of the world to be covered by Geographic Stewardship Team members who ensure movement engagement

More: https://inheritthenations.net/2414-coalition-prayer-involvement/21-days-of-prayer/

Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:33

Invitation: 24:14 Prayer Task Force

An invitation to participate: 24:14 vision to see all unreached people groups engaged with a Kingdom movement

We would like to ask for your prayerful consideration and help, to widen the canopy of prayer over the 24:14 vision. Please could you take a look at the attached information about “1 Partner 1 Day” which aims to have 24/7 prayer cover each month?  A day a month being covered by different organisations. 

This opportunity will help each of us focus on intentional prayer times in our organisations, pray for our ministries focus on the unreached and support the CPM teams who are working across the regions of the world to see all peoples with a CPM engagement. (see the attached document for details) 

We are asking for each of you to consider committing each month to a particular day (of your choice), preferably a 24-hour period. This will enable us all to participate in the 24:14 vision, and join with others to cover the year with prayer 24/7.

Here isa brief summary of the 24:14 vision which you might find helpful for your ministries to look at:

24:14 Prayer Task Force

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” –Matthew 24:14

24:14 is a global coalition praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025.

We are a global coalition of individuals, teams, mission organizations, church networks, mission networks, and church planting movements fully submitted to Christ and devoted to seeing His Name worshipped in every corner of the world. To see this come to fruition, we are unified in commitment to three priorities:

We are trusting God to use our generation to fully reach multitudes from every tribe, tongue, people and nation with the glorious news of Jesus Christ. This is an ambitious, God-sized goal and we’re relying on Him to see it to fruition. 


We see God at work in the world through movements and are joining Him in launching kingdom movements in every unreached people group and place. We define a “kingdom movement” as reproducing disciples, churches, leaders and movements.


“It’s all about Jesus’ glory and He is being robbed of worship in thousands of places.” –Steve Smith

We are catalyzing these kingdom movements with wartime urgency to reach every unengaged, unreached people group and place with the gospel by December 31, 2025 ... no matter the cost. Together, we are mobilizing prayer, resources, manpower and more to this end.


Interested in joining 24:14? Contact us online at www.2414now.net/contact-us.


  • Read more about 24:14 https://www.2414now.net/articles
  • Sign up to join the 24/7 canopy of prayer supporting the 24:14 vision and receive weekly prayer emails (contact prayer@2414now.net).
  • Sign up to learn more about how to partner in prayer with a specific DMM team who are seeking to reach UPGs in their location (contact pairingproject@2414now.net).
  • Set a 24:14 alarm on your phone for 12:14 pm each day, to remind you to pray for fulfillment of Matthew 24:14.
  • Join a Geographic Stewardship Team (GSTMs) which will identify and/or train implementers who will seek to multiply disciples and simple churches within their focus People Group or geographic area. We need a huge number of volunteer GSTMs in many locations, to ensure the entire world is being covered. For more information, contact GST@2414now.net.
  • 24:14 Coalition 1 Partner/1 Day Initiative
  • 24:14 Coalition: A network of organizations, networks and churches which are all committed to the 24:14 vision of praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people group with urgency by 2025.

To this end, we, the 24:14 Prayer Task Force are seeking to develop a 24/7 canopy of prayer that will pray into this vision ofseeingeveryU/UPGengagedwitha teamfocusedonseeingamovementofmultiplyingchurchesanddisciples.We would like to see 31 organizations, prayer networks from existing movements, networks and churches commit to cover in prayer one day per month every month.

NEXT STEPS: YOUR RESPONSE To join the 24:14 1Partner1Day Initiative then please email to prayer@2414now.net,

1 Please let us know the day of the month that you can commit to as an organization and how many hours in that day you are committing to pray and fast.

2 Please let us know the name and email of the prayer coordinatorOur thanks on behalf of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force.

  • A monthly prayer guide of informed prayer points that are specific, measurable, and Bible-based.
  • Regular praise reports in order to encourage groups as they pray. 

  • Monthly or bi-monthly communication with a member of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force. This will be for the 
purpose of encouraging, informing, identifying gaps and challenges, etc. 

Thank you for your partnership is sharing the Gospel to all peoples,

Jenny Oliphant