Displaying items by tag: Election

Friday, 28 February 2020 03:37

Israel: Election and riot threats

On Monday 2 March, Israelis will, for the third time in a year, cast votes for a government. Proverbs 16:9 says ‘In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps’. Lord we ask you to encourage the hearts of the electorate to vote in line with your will. Since two elections with no final results did not take you by surprise, we ask for your purposes to be fulfilled in a clear undisputed election result. Also, Hamas has threatened to restart the weekly riots soon. Israel is supposed to have a cease-fire with Hamas but still rockets are fired and incendiary devices are flown against the Israelis living in that Western Negev area. Father, during this ‘lull,’ do not allow the IDF to become complacent. Protect the young ones from the fire balloons coming across the border which are specifically aimed at killing or maiming Jewish children.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:21

Israeli elections: prayers for the next government

All the lists of candidates parties have now been submitted, and some parties have agreed to run together in this new election. There was a joining together of several left wing and some of the smaller right wing parties, yet polls show that there will be no clear victor. We cry out for mercy: ‘Lord, have mercy on Your people as Israel needs a God-given government. Since You are the One who raises up and pulls down, please raise up the one of Your choice to be the next prime minister, defence minister, finance minister, etc. We plead with You for a government which will do Your will for Israel at this time. Abba, show us how to pray and even give us specific people to pray for. President Trump plans a “Deal of the Century” peace plan that could impact the elections. May you reign over the timing and content of this plan.’ (Psalm 99:1)

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:49

Ireland: general election

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that Ireland will hold a general election on Saturday 8 February. It is unusual for Ireland to hold elections on a Saturday; they are usually on a Thursday or Friday. As a result of the decision, the Irish parliament - or Dáil - will be dissolved. Varadkar has been leading a minority government for two years since taking over from former Prime Minister Enda Kenny in 2017. Finian McGrath, the Dublin Bay North TD and minister for disability issues, has said he will not seek re-election. But he is far from retiring and will remain involved in political activism. He said, ‘I hope to spend time encouraging some of the 13 percent of Ireland’s population who have some form of disability to get involved in politics at a local or national level.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:39

12 days of prayer for the UK

From 1 to 12 December, Prayer Watch invites you to join thousands ‘decreeing God’s righteous government and governance in our land’. All those involved in this initiative believe that this is God’s appointed time for us to decree that His government is established in our nation. It is not by chance that our election date is 12/12. 12 is the Biblical number of authority and divine government. 12 tribes of Israel. 12 Apostles of Jesus. The response in prayer is 12 days of 12 decrees at 12 noon to establish God’s government in our nation through prayer. It is time for the British Isles to pray together like never before, as we arrive at our significant spiritual ‘open door’ of opportunity as a nation. For the daily decrees, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:36

An election prayer

Father, thank You for all you have done for us throughout this year. Even when things don’t go our way, may we still rejoice in Your faithfulness and provision in our lives. We pray that You will build our government and watch over the UK. ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.’ (Psalm 127:1) Lord, we ask You to build our nation according to Your template and guard us from evil. Father, thank You for being our defender and ever-present help in our times of need. We ask You to protect Your children involved in election campaigning in the coming week, keeping them safe from those who would wish to harm them. ‘Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures for ever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and for evermore.’ (Psalm 125:1)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 November 2019 23:24

Archbishops' general election message

Time to ‘leave our echo chambers’ and listen to others, said the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. ‘Stand up for the truth and challenge falsehoods when we hear them’. They are urging voters to ‘honour the gift of truth’ as they engage in political debate in the run-up to the general election. Their letter calls people to engage responsibly on social media and uphold the Christian values of truth, humility and love. ‘People who hold different political views are not our enemies,’ they say. The message also calls on Christians to reject the ‘language of prejudice’, particularly at a time when several groups - especially in Jewish and Muslim communities - feel threatened. Pray that debates will unite rather than divide, and bring us together to trust our institutions, politicians and our politics. See also the next article, on Anti-Semitism, politics and prayer.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 November 2019 23:06

Hope for the Countryside in December

None of the possible outcomes of the election will bring immediate peace and tranquility in rural areas, where farmers and small businesses face continued uncertainty. Across the nation many are anxious and fearful, including candidates facing intimidation and death threats as well as anti-Semitism against the Jewish community. Pray that believers will search the scriptures, understand the times, and pray in accordance with God’s ways and will about these issues. Pray that Christians will shine as lights in the darkness and bring a message of trust against the fear and hope against despair. Pray for God’s mercy on our nation, which mostly does not acknowledge Him. Farmers also ask for urgent prayer for their industry: so much depends on our food production, and there is a serious disconnect between producer and consumer. Pray also about climate change, safety, mental health, and the need for a strong rural economy.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 November 2019 22:54

Hong Kong: US act and election results

The US Senate has passed a Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (see ) that aims to protect the human rights and autonomy and freedoms of Hong Kong. This bill sends a message of hope to many pro-democracy protesters. China warned it could take ‘firm counter-measures’ if Washington continues to show support for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters. We need to pray that more nations in the free world will also send a clear message to Beijing that they stand with Hong Kong in their struggle for democracy. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s first election since the protests began saw a turnout of 71% as people stood up to defend their freedoms against an increasingly aggressive Beijing. Their votes resulted in seventeen of the eighteen district councils now being controlled by pro-democracy councillors. However, China’s state media outlets are either making no reference at all to election results or claiming ‘tampering’ had taken place.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 November 2019 23:33

An election prayer

Lord, we pray for peace in this election season. We pray for peace between divided communities and within families; we pray for peace between political opponents. We pray that You will be our refuge and our strength, our mighty fortress in times of need. Lord, keep our focus on you, and as we hear and think about politics we would seek to serve and worship you. ‘I lift my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven’ (Psalm 123:1). We pray for political journalists who are reporting on the election and Brexit, that they will work with integrity and maintain professionalism; and for young people under the age of 18, who cannot vote, still to be engaged in politics and voice their concerns.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 November 2019 22:26

Pray over the election

This week has seen examples of political trickery, lies, exaggerations - we thank God for bad practice being exposed. Pray for God’s hand of protection over all who are standing to be elected; some have had horrible threats made against them and their families. The lead up to this general election and the current whirlwind of campaigning feels like being in the middle of a storm. Pray continually for honesty and integrity to be threaded through every wave of political debate and discussion. A lot rides on the outcome, both in terms of the UK’s place in Europe, and potentially Scotland’s place in the UK. Deep emotions are associated with all of this, and it is not surprising that many people are anxious. Pray for unity in the church, families, and friendship groups. In a time of enormous division let us be peacemakers, let us disagree gracefully, and choose our words carefully. May believers rest in the peace of Jesus throughout this election campaign, and may that be a witness to others.

Published in British Isles