Displaying items by tag: prayer guide

Friday, 29 November 2019 12:18

GO 2020 Year of the Upper Room - Prayer Guide

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

GO 2020 - Year of the Upper Room – Preparing Hearts Prayer Guide

We in the IPC are helping to coordinate the international prayer mobilization for the GO 2020 initiative - with the aim of helping the various partnering prayer for mission projects to flow together.

The ‘Preparing Hearts’ prayer guide is a resource to help that process of integrated praying.  It runs from 1st January to 9th February 2020.  We trust that it will help up to 100 million people to focus their prayers on the harvest in a user-friendly way as we seek to see 1 billion saved for Christ in May 2020.

It is the first of nine 40-day prayer guides through the coming year that will focus on Go 2020 and other prayer initiatives for the unreached of our world.

To download the first Year of the Upper Room Prayer Guide - Click this Link

More info and sign up for GO2020 at: www.go2020.world/prayer

Friday, 29 November 2019 12:15

Pray for Zero Prayer Guide - Download

Thank you for your partnership in bringing God’s eternal Word to the Bibleless. We are excited to share the third volume of the Pray for Zero Guide with you.

The new guide will help you pray for:

Translators - The People
Translation - The Work
Transformation - The Impact

This guide is packed with resources to equip you in your prayers.

Specific prayer points for the 12 key areas
Scripture-based prayers to recite
Stories of life transformation from around the world

Each page was crafted to empower you as a prayer partner and to invite the presence of God into your prayer time.

Download the new Pray for Zero guide, and unite with us in prayer for the Bibleless.

When we pray Scripture back to God, we can be confident we are praying His will. His Word never returns without fulfilling His purposes.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”

— Isaiah 55:11 NLT

DOWNLOAD THE NEW PRAYER GUIDE HERE - https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9747aaed806a398f98dee7604/files/e6692113-81fd-4566-bc78-1f179ea43945/Prayer_Giode_2019_Digital_Version.pdf

Published in Prayer Guides
Friday, 01 November 2019 07:23

Prayers for Syria

Pray for Syria, Turkey and the Kurds

Turkey views the Kurds as terrorists. A couple of weeks ago, they pushed into Syria to displace the Kurds from the border area, to create a 'safe-zone'.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, the United States’ main ally in the fight against ISIS, has been in talks with both Russia and the US to protect the Kurdish people against the Turkish assault. The Turkish incursion has killed scores of people on both sides of the border and nearly 180,000 people inside Syria have been displaced.

The commander of the SDF is now holding discussions with the US government on keeping US forces in the region, as well as regaining control over territory they have lost since the Turkish military invasion began. Pray for the hostile actors in this volatile situation- the Turkish government and military, the Kurdish leaders and their militia, as well as the Syrian, Russian and US governments that a good and peaceful diplomatic solution can be worked out.

Pray for the tens of thousands of civilians whose lives have been uprooted and for effective and well- coordinated humanitarian relief to pour in to meet their critical needs.

Pray that the military operation by Turkey and all fighting would stop immediately.

Pray that God would intervene in a special way to resolve the current conflicts in His peaceful way.

We pray, Your Kingdom come on Turkey, Syria, and all Middle East regions!

Northeast Syria is home to a range of diverse ethnic and religious communities. The principal Kurdish region of Syria, it also hosts sizeable Syriac and Assyrian Christians communities. There are also Christian converts, especially among the Kurdish communities.

The stated objectives of Turkey’s military action in Syria are, firstly, to create a ‘safe-zone’ along the border by combatting Kurdish-led forces, and, secondly, to facilitate the repatriation of Syrian refugees from Turkey. The campaign does not seem to be motivated by a specific religious agenda, and there is little evidence to suggest that Christians are being specifically targeted. But Christians are deeply affected, along with other communities in the region. Shelling has led to multiple casualties, more than twenty villages have so far been seized and tens of thousands have fled the region.

Although not specifically a campaign against Christians, there are concerns Christian communities face particular vulnerabilities. Christian leaders are concerned that elements within Turkey’s forces and their Syrian opposition allies are pursuing Islamist agendas that are hostile not just to Kurds but also to any communities that are not Sunni Muslim. This fear would be compounded if the security of prisons holding extremists is compromised. They also fear that Turkey’s refugee repatriation plans, whereby Syrians who fled from other areas would be resettled in northeast Syria, constitute an intentional programme of ‘demographic engineering’ in the region, intended to boost the Arab Sunni presence to the detriment of Kurds and other communities such as Christians.

Syrian Christians request prayer that:

Political and military leaders, of parties involved and in the wider international community, will act with restraint and hope peace will be restored, human dignity respected and pluralism preserved and strengthened, in northeast Syria and the rest of the country, for the benefit of all ethnic and religious communities. Pray that Christian communities will not be intimidated but will find opportunity to be agents of reconciliation, wisdom and compassion for those bereaved or injured, together with all who have fled. Pray those suffering will find comfort, healing, peace and hope all and that all who are intent on violence will know the Spirit’s conviction of sin and respond to the Father’s offer of new life through the Son.

More at: http://meconcern.org/2019/10/11/syria-christians-request-prayer-for-northeast-syria/


OCT 20 - NOV 03, 2019

Our 3rd annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians to spend 15 days learning about and praying for our world’s 1+ billion Hindu neighbors.

These 15 days also coincide with the important Hindu Festival of Light.

The informative 32-page prayer guide booklets will help you know how to pray for the people within this major and very diverse world religion.

The Hindu World Prayer Guide (third annual edition) is now shipping.

Go to www.15daysprayer.comfor information.

Published in Prayer Guides


OCT 20 - NOV 03, 2019

Our 3rd annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians to spend 15 days learning about and praying for our world’s 1+ billion Hindu neighbors.

These 15 days also coincide with the important Hindu Festival of Light.

The informative 32-page prayer guide booklets will help you know how to pray for the people within this major and very diverse world religion.

The Hindu World Prayer Guide (third annual edition) is now shipping.

Go to www.15daysprayer.com for information.

Published in Prayer Guides
Monday, 01 July 2019 16:41

Ways to Pray – Waymakers Prayer Guides

For 25 years, Steve Hawthorne has written and published the Seek God for the City prayer guide. Many of you have told us that you would like to read and pray through other prayers Steve has written. WayMakers has produced several other prayer guides authored by Steve. The “Ways to Pray” series of six, 16-page pocket-sized prayer guides will encourage you in on-going, sustained praying. Each of the different booklets has its own unique theme:

  • • Blessings: Ways to Pray in Hope. Learn how to pray blessings by using your own words to express the goodness in God’s heart for others. Seven biblical themes with sample prayers of blessing help you pray for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for next-door neighbors and in distant nations.
  • • Light from my House: Ways to Pray for God’s Light to Shine. Fight the battle of light overcoming darkness in the lives of neighbors and people in your community. Focused prayers ignite biblical passages about the light of Christ.
  • • The Lord is Their Shepherd: Ways to Pray for Goodness and Mercy. Follow the 23rd Psalm as a guideline to pray for others. Pray your way into the story of what God is doing in the lives of people who are close to you, but still far from God. Pray them all the way home.
  • • Open My City: Ways to Pray for Neighbors. Seven biblical themes of openness. Pray open the eyes, ear and lives of those who seem closed to Christ. Pray open the homes and hearts of Christians to welcome them.
  • • Prompts for Prayerwalkers: Ways to Pray from God’s Word for your World. This booklet helps prayerwalkers to get started and veterans to keep going. Select scriptures and “street-tested” prayers equip you to pray on-site with insight. Biblical ideas help you enjoy praying with persistence.
  • • What Would Jesus Pray? Ways to Pray like Jesus. Prayers Jesus actually prayed, organized around seven parts of the “Lord’s Prayer.” Pray with the same clear purpose Jesus used when He prayed for others.

The booklets are reasonably priced at $2.00 each. Significant discounts for bulk orders of 20 or more are available. You can also order mixed quantities of two or more of these booklets. Check out two sample pages of each of them and place your order today.

These days both challenge and yet strengthen our desire to spend time before God in prayer. Let’s ask God to stir our hearts and unite our faith as we seek His face and ask for His will to be done, here on earth as it is in heaven.

For His glory,

Barb Hawthorne

Stephanie Tucker

More Info and Order at:https://waymakers.org/pray/ways-to-pray/

Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:32

Globally: God among Muslims

More Muslims have turned to Jesus in the last fifteen years than in the previous 1,400. God loves all, and wants all to hear and understand the message ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6) Although more Muslims have turned to Jesus in recent years, another 1.8 billion are still living without a saving relationship with him. Middle East news dominates our headlines, while behind the scenes Muslims are fasting and praying throughout Ramadan. Please continue to intercede for them this month as they fast and seek God. Pray for supernatural dreams and visions that open doors to salvation. Many prayer diaries have been produced to aid intercession. For example Iran 30 helps Christians play a part in proclaiming Christ to Iranians with thirty short, easy to read sections explaining the activity where God is building His Church behind the scenes. See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 May 2019 04:06

30 Day Prayer Guides for the Muslim World

The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World began in 1993 with a group of Christians who felt inspired to challenge the way they understood Muslim people. What if they saw Muslims in the same way God does?


The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, is an international movement that began in 1993. It calls the church to make a deliberate but respectful effort to learn about, pray for and reach out to our world’s Muslim neighbors. It coincides annually with the important Islamic month of religious observation — Ramadan, a time of the year when Muslims are much more deeply aware of spiritual matters.

While Media sound bites about Islamic extremism can too easily incite anger, fear and even hatred towards Muslims, we seek to resist this temptation to generalize, and instead, resolve to respond and pray with the mind and heart of Christ.

Join the millions of Christians around the world, and churches and ministries from many denominations, who regularly participate in this largest ongoing prayer focus on the Muslim world. A new full-color prayer guide booklet — available each year in both adult and kids versions — is a proven tool to help Christians to understand and to persistently pray for Muslim neighbors and nations.

There's still time to get your booklets before Ramadan!

Click Here:https://www.30daysprayer.com/

Published in Prayer Guides
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:02

Being Guided in Prayer

From A Journey to Victorious Praying by Bill Thrasher

Praying in the Spirit is leaningupon the Spirit not only for Hismotivation and His enablementbut also for His guidance.

Wesley Duewel was on a tripfrom India to the United Statesand fighting a fever. He thought,If only I could find one Christianand ask him to pray for me.
In describing the experience, he states,

“Suddenly . . .

Read complete excerpt here >>>

Visit Pray.Network at: http://praynetwork.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

Friday, 27 October 2017 10:35

Syria: praying for the children

International news outlets tell us that the Syrian crisis has created a lost generation of children. But we can pray that this generation will be found by Jesus. Mission agency Cry Out Now has prepared a 30-day prayer guide to help us pray for Syrian children. Its vision is especially that other children will pray for them. God sees children’s faith when they pray; often it is very powerful! Our God is a God of hope, and His desire is that out of the turmoil and chaos of the Syrian crisis, He will have a people that belong to Him.

Published in Worldwide
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