Displaying items by tag: prayer

Friday, 07 July 2023 10:14

Government needs prayer

Conversations about up-and-coming by-elections aren't popular with Conservative MPs just now. Inflation is not coming down as quickly as hoped. Homeowners are struggling with higher mortgage rates. Small boat crossings reached a new June record this year. Rishi Sunak’s five targets are growing more challenging. Pessimism is not the ideal backdrop for a governing party going into a set of by-elections, which will be an indicator of the political mood in the country. Father God, we hold the nation before you. You are the God who reigns over governments; bring justice where injustice rules. Give strength to the struggling and hope to the hopeless. Grant vision and insight to those with authority to change things for the better. Father God, heal what is hurting and restore what has been broken. You sovereignly place every leader and have marked their days of service. Give them more of Your wisdom for the tasks ahead.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 June 2023 10:12

Bosnia: summer camp season

The Royal Rangers, a Christian scouting programme focusing on developing outdoor skills and a child’s relationship with God, begins the camp season on 26 June. Camps for children, teens, and adults will continue to the end of July. Pray for God’s Spirit to move in the hearts and minds of all who attend these camps. Pray for an anointing over the campgrounds, speakers, and workers. May these camp experiences expose campers to a new understanding of who God is and who they can be through Christ. Father, please reveal Yourself to each person as Your Spirit covers each camp and moves freely through Your spoken Word. We also ask you for spiritual and physical protection over every leader, teacher, facilitator, child and adult who attends these summer camps. May each one demonstrate and grow in your love. We ask that this camp season be a catalyst for revival and renewal in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Published in Europe
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:21

Pray for justice in the nation

God is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. Lord, we ask for an awakening of Kingdom values and priorities across our justice system - supreme courts, family courts, Parliament, and arbitration. We pray life into every seed of Your word in the hearts of people of influence, regardless of their mindset or worldview. May your truth overrule in every judgement made. We pray for justice, protection and blessing to be experienced by all, regardless of race, colour, ethnicity, religion or background. Father, shine your light into the dark places, so that what needs to be exposed will be revealed in hearts, attitudes, actions, roots or cultures, so that evil is uprooted and true justice flourishes. May Your people move according to Isaiah 61: preaching the good news, healing the broken-hearted, and proclaiming liberty to the captives; comforting those who are mourning, healing the sick, feeding the hungry and rebuilding ancient foundations.

Published in British Isles

With the budget passed, the coalition has much to focus on apart from judicial reform. Pray for God’s priorities to be the government’s priorities, and ask God to show the various ministers how to work in unity as they deal with issues. Ask God to place the coalition's reins firmly in prime minister Netanyahu’s hands, and use his partners to keep him turning Israel onto a more biblical path, while removing any ungodly advisers from him. Ask God to anoint finance minister Smotrich to win the war against Israel's high cost of living and show every ministry how to reduce wasteful spending and increase the effectiveness of their budgets. May national security minister Ben-Gvir use the budget dedicated to reinforce and encourage Israel's police force to do just that - while also removing all unrighteousness from its ranks. And finally, ask God to help the housing industry to make affordable housing readily available. See

Published in Worldwide

On Pentecost Sunday, hundreds gathered on Jerusalem’s Southern Steps, just below the Temple Mount, and millions more joined online, to pray for Israel, and begin a historic evangelistic outreach to the world. During the prayers for Jerusalem and the nations, an unusual unseasonal rain covered everyone. Jono Hall oversaw the broadcast and said, ‘I’ve been broadcasting 25 years and never seen anything like this before. It’s a God moment. Denominations from the East and West who wouldn’t normally speak or work together now in unity, praying for Jerusalem and for the Kingdom Gospel to reach all of the earth’. Tom Victor of the International Prayer Council said that over a hundred million were praying for Israel and for the world with the launch of this ten-year collaboration to fulfil the Great Commission.

Published in Praise Reports

Recently gunmen opened fire at a birthday party, killing at least four guests and injuring many. Two girl victims were severely hurt and on ventilators for weeks. Then during a live stream church broadcast Pastor Michael kept hearing the word ‘shooting’. He believed God wanted to heal someone injured in a shooting and began to pray, not knowing who he was praying for. Meanwhile an Alabama resident who had been interceding for the girls was watching the live stream. When Pastor Michael called out for the shooting victims God wanted to heal, she immediately shared the video. They agreed with his prayer and stood in the gap for the girls. The girls woke up the next day. One girl at once said, ‘Jesus’, and she started singing, ‘Jesus, do it for me.’ Then the second girl woke from her coma. Doctors were amazed, believing they would never recover. But with God, all things are possible.

Published in Praise Reports

Zenica city in central Bosnia has a small growing community of believers among the 115,000 Bosniak Muslims. Zenica’s large iron factory provides work for thousands, and the university and other businesses attract people from the surrounding communities. Praise God for both foreign and national Christian workers, who are spreading the good news there. In a city known for iron works, we pray for God’s truth shared through believers to remain sharp as iron and penetrate the hearts of many. Some smaller villages are isolated with zero witness among them. Pray that as the community gathers in Zenica, those who are believers would be put into contact with those open and ready to hear the good news. Proverbs 27:17 says iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another. Father, we ask that believers sharpen one another in spirit and truth and are in such unity that Bosnians will know that it is by Your power they live, move, and find their being.

Published in Europe

Japan’s Kishida Fumio will host the G7 summit between 19 and 21 May. He condemns Russian aggression and feels that what is happening in Europe could easily happen in the Indo-Pacific. G7 sees climate change as a concern, but Japan reminds us we need to confront proliferation of nuclear weapons. Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons should the Ukraine conflict not go his way. A global effort is needed to lessen the possibility of using them. This summit is in the Indo-Pacific region, ripe for future peacekeeping needs across the Taiwan Strait. China’s aggression towards Taiwan would threaten peace globally. On 20 May at 10 am BST (GMT+1) the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham is calling people to pray for the summit, the G7 leaders, Japan, and many of the above issues. For more information and to join us, click here:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2023 10:09

Prayer, fasting and action

Intercessors across these isles fasted from 17 to 19 April and prayed to push back spiritual darkness. You may not have joined the three one-hour online prayer meetings, but here are some common themes which you can pray and do now. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come down in your street, neighbourhood, town or city. Pray that the Church may rise up boldly to proclaim the Gospel, loving God and loving people. Pray for the younger generation to be visited by God and His Word as they hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for Bible-believing churches, movements and organisations to unite against unbiblical ideologies, same-sex marriage, and gender Identity. Pray for those in government and leadership. Pray for the incoming monarch, King Charles III. Pray for key prayer needs that are important to you in your location, sphere or context.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:26

China: Christian population growth

8% of China’s population is Christian and Christianity is established in every province, but many do not have enough Bible knowledge. Rural areas still have a shortage of Bibles and Christian teaching. Pray for wise, godly leadership to be multiplied at every level in the Church and for Christians to be part of shaping China as the nation amasses wealth and political influence. The Church has many mature leaders, but needs more as the church grows. Pray for Christians to have integrity in a culture where corruption is a temptation. 200 years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte said, ’Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.’ This is being realised as China’s church is awakened by God’s Spirit. Pray for this to be a significant Christian movement with continuing growth. China is a significant global power, economically and militarily, pray for wise leaders to walk a path of peace.

Published in Worldwide