Displaying items by tag: recovery

A nationwide health alert has been issued in Scotland following a surge in deaths and overdoses linked to heroin laced with nitazene-type synthetic opioids, known as ‘Frankenstein’ drugs. Nitazenes are up to 500 times stronger than heroin, with no safe way to use them. Overdoses have been sudden and severe, often requiring multiple doses of naloxone to reverse effects. Public Health Scotland (PHS) has warned that the unregulated drug market remains highly toxic and unpredictable. Authorities are advising people not to use the drugs alone, avoid mixing substances, recognise overdose signs, and carry naloxone. As Scotland faces a worsening drug crisis, prayers are needed for protection, recovery, and wisdom for those working to combat addiction and save lives.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:49

Stories of hope

Papa Jörg, an intercessor-evangelist in Hamburg, prays for ‘Ahmad’, a friend of an Iranian believer that Papa Jörg led to faith in Jesus and regularly prays for. At the beginning of March Ahmad had a lung infection and passed out in an Iranian hospital. He had COVID-19 and was put on life support. The Iranian doctors said there was nothing else to be done but pray. So Papa Jörg prayed. Every day he recorded his prayers for Ahmad over WhatsApp and sent them to his friend. On the 17th day, he received a message that he was recovering, and two days later Ahmad was healed of COVID-19. ‘Do the Iranian doctors know that we Christians prayed for Ahmad?’ Papa Jörg asked. ‘Yes’, replied his friend, ‘I sent your message to him every day, and Ahmad’s sister told everyone’. For other stories of hope, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:45

Survived COVID, felt God’s hands

A nursing home in Washington had an outbreak of Covid-19. 34 residents died and a further 101 had the virus. 90-year-old Geneva Wood was recovering from a stroke. A few days before she was to return home, the disease struck and the centre went on lockdown. Then Geneva caught Covid-19. While she was alone in isolation one night she thought she was dying. ‘I could feel God’s presence. His hands were on my body and I could feel His presence and I would wake up and I could feel these hands and I would go back to sleep. Through the night, I would wake up, I couldn’t see His face, but I could feel His hands and I knew He was with me and I made it through the night. My faith in God, my family, and the church’s prayers pulled me through.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 April 2020 21:47

China: watching Wuhan

As coronavirus ravages the world, many are now watching Wuhan slowly emerging from two months’ complete lockdown - the population cautiously (with masks and gloves) moving about. The world is now in an extraordinary and precarious situation, watching Wuhan for a glimpse of what might lie in store for the rest of us. Will there be a second coronavirus wave there? Almost inevitably yes, but how big a wave and are hospitals better prepared? How will the Chinese government respond to this second wave, after its mismanagement and misinformation of the first outbreak? Will they keep damaging information secret? A recent report on the number of ash urns stacked at Wuhan funeral homes put the true death toll at over 40,000, not the official 2,500. Pray for transparency in communication and sharing of strategies, in China and across the nations, in order to craft effective responses to unfamiliar challenges. 

Published in Worldwide