Super User

Super User

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Thursday, 01 August 2013 17:10

Whether it’s Vietnam, Kuwait, Senegal or the USA - children are being violated emotionally and physically while the perpetrators often enjoy anonymity and impunity. 5,000 men visit Thailand each year to have sex with children and between 60,000 and 200,000 Thai children are involved in prostitution. In Indonesia between 40,000 and 70,000 children are absorbed into the sex trade each year – two-thirds are trafficked abroad. Cambodia’s Anti-Human Trafficking Department admitted, ‘We don’t deny that Asian men like to have sex with children here.’ Japan is the world’s main producer of underage pornography. The Philippines has 1.5 million street children, with 30,000+ involved in prostitution. A Middle East journalist said, ’After living in the Middle East for more than 10 years I can now safely say that paedophilia not only exists in these windswept deserts but that it is rampant.’ On a positive note:- An FBI investigation into underage prostitution has freed 105 children and led to the arrest of 150 alleged ‘pimps’ across 76 American cities. see:

Pray: for all governments to take immediate strong action against paedophilia. Pray for this action to have a preventative effect, bringing an end to both availability and demand. (Ps. 7:11)



Friday, 27 July 2012 16:50

A report issued by the United Nations-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law recommends that nations around the world remove laws against prostitution and decriminalize the voluntary use of illegal injection drugs in order to combat the HIV epidemic. The Commission of 15 former heads of state, legal scholars and HIV/AIDS activists recommends ‘Decriminalise private and consensual adult sexual behaviours, including same-sex sexual acts and voluntary sex work.’ and ‘Reform approaches towards drug use, rather than punishing people who use drugs but do no harm to others.’ The UN backed commission interviewed prostitutes, activists and public health advocates in 140 countries across the world to come to its conclusions. They received funding from Canadian, Norwegian Australian and the US Government plus billionaire Geroge Soros through his Open Society Foundations.

Pray: for the UN would work with Christian organisations for righteous and moral ways to help and heal populations at the highest risk of HIV. (Ps.107:44)


Saturday, 21 August 2010 08:29

Millions of Christians around the world are participating in the largest ongoing intercession for the Muslim world as they pray for Muslims for 30 days. This prayer movement began in the Middle East in 1992 when believers heard God's call to intercede for Muslims during the Islamic season of Ramadan. Today globally, Christians are setting aside the 30 days of Ramadan to pray specifically for Muslims and see precious souls set free from the bondage of Islam and introduced to the Saviour of all mankind. The ‘30 Days’ movement emphasises God's love for Muslims, encouraging all believers to cultivate a spirit of humility, love, respect and service toward Muslims. For more information and to download the 30 Day Prayer Guide click the more button, for Prayer Alert Ramadan INSIGHT go to:

Pray: that Ramadan 2010 will become a window of opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak to Muslims and open their eyes to the salvation available only in Jesus Christ. (Eph.1:17-18)


Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:45

A storm roared into America Tuesday delivering paralysing snow and ice from Texas to Maine - the worst in decades. It has shut down Dallas, Oklahoma city, Chicago, Tulsa and more. It covers over 2,000 miles (1/3 of the country) with 60+mph winds. It is expected to last four more days and could be life-threatening. People should not travel unless it was essential. See Meanwhile an intense La Nina weather pattern has spawned cyclone Yase the most powerful cyclones in Australian history. The category five storm will hit 400,000 people in Queensland on Wednesday. The survivors of last month’s floods are now making storm provisions. The Australian Salvation Army is appealing for prayers for those living in the path of the storm. Some are being evacuated, while others are securing their properties ahead of 180mph winds that can tear roofs off houses. Power and communication lines are expected to be affected.

Pray: for safety and perseverance in an extremely difficult time for many people who are recovering from massive floods. (1The.5:11&17)


Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:29

It is believed, ‘When the month of Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell Fire are closed and the devils are chained.’ (from Islam’s sacred text of Bukhari) Muhammad first learned about an alternative ‘feast’ and ‘fast’ from Christians in 7th century Arabia. Ramadan releases emotional excitement and religious zeal among Muslims. Fasting is mandatory during daylight and is broken at sunset when a special evening feast is celebrated. Adults appreciate the opportunity to double their rewards from God and seek forgiveness for past sins. Muslims change their physical and emotional selves during 30days of fastingo not only abstain from food, but also refrain from all vice and evils committed consciously or unconsciously. May Ramadan remind us of our own need to pray, fast, and celebrate God’s sovereignty and the gift of his Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.

Pray: for Almighty God to show His grace and mercy for the 1,000,000,000+ Muslims around the world. May many encounter Jesus Christ at this time. (Jn.1:17)



Thursday, 21 July 2011 13:52

Ramadan is a holy time for Muslims; their day is spent fasting from sun-up to sun-down. During this time they seek to purify their souls, practice self sacrifice and desire that God be more attentive to their prayers. Since Muslims are more sensitive to hearing from God during Ramadan, opportunities are increased to draw them toward the truth of the Gospel. Open Doors is calling on Christians in the West to pray for Christians living in Islamic dominated countries - praying specifically for God to fill and strengthen them with the ‘Fruit of the Spirit.’ This ‘fruit ’embodied in each believer moulds, shapes and transforms us - expressing the image of His Son - and through this image, shining through a believer, God draws people to salvation. We are asked to boldly stand together for our brothers and sisters

Pray: that many will be blessed, meet Christ and take the first steps into the fullness and truth of God’s kingdom. (Is.45:5-6)



Saturday, 10 November 2012 10:14

For Christians who wanted to speak up for the Persecuted Church but didn’t know what to say Release International is running a sponsored silence. Christians in the UK and Ireland will be staying silent in solidarity with Christians silenced for their faith around the world on Nov 25th. Funds raised by the initiative will support victims of persecution like Asia Bibi, a Christian woman on death row in Pakistan for blasphemy. Chinese Christian lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who has been repeatedly arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the authorities and is back behind bars; Iranian pastor Behnam Irani, arrested while leading a Bible study, and severely beaten in jail. There is widespread concern over his deteriorating health. 17-year-old Eva Abdullah from Tanzania, who has been jailed for two years after being accused of desecrating the Koran and Eritrean evangelist Mussie Ezaz, who was arrested in 2007 and is in prison in the capital Asmara.

Pray: that these actions will speak louder than words - raising funds and awareness of the Persecuted Church. (Ps.119:156,157)



Thursday, 09 August 2012 16:09

Muslims worldwide search for ‘The Night of Power’ during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. For fourteen centuries Muslims have stayed up all night listening to lectures and reading the Quran, reflecting on their lives, the objects of their wants and fears and seeking their creator in prayer. In 2012 The Night of Power will fall around August 9 -18th - In Egypt some Christians formed a nationwide covenant to pray and fast during Ramadan and reach out to Muslim neighbours in love. Wearing t-shirts declaring ‘Jesus loves you,’ the students distributed boxes filled with bottled water and bags of figs at busy intersections. Knowing commuters were eager to get home to break their fast, they handed out their ‘gifts’ to the gridlocked motorists. Each bag also held a CD from a joint concert featuring a Christian singer and a Muslim religious chanter.

Pray: during Ramadan for many Muslims to meet the true Creator God and may the Egyptian Christians be empowered and protected as they share the love of Jesus. (Ps.50:1-2)



Saturday, 30 October 2010 08:11

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is published annually by Transparency International. Surveys and assessments are used to compile an index of the most corrupt countries, asking questions relating to bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds and questions that probe the strength and effectiveness of public sector anti-corruption efforts. The results released this week found the worst of the 178 countries was Somalia followed by Afghanistan, Myanmar (Burma) and Iraq. Brazil was 69th on the list and India 87th. Overall, Transparency International says of the survey: ‘These results indicate a serious corruption problem globally’.

Pray: for hidden corruption to be revealed enabling more finances to be released appropriately. (Is.59:1)


Thursday, 25 July 2013 15:59

Some excerpts from an American Financial Report - ‘In 2005 we began warning about Britain’s dangerous debt burden. The Financial Times and Daily Mail couldn't refute our research but they weren't ready to accept the enormity of its conclusions.’ And ‘Despite David Cameron’s talk of austerity he’s going to add an estimated £700 billion to the national debt in five years. That’s more than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown added to the national debt in eleven years.’ Looking at UK finances as a whole the Coalition isn’t cutting anything. State spending, national debt and interest payments are all going up. By 2015 UK national debt is estimated to be almost £1.4 trillion.’ Wednesday 24th July’s Guardian reported, ‘the debt to GDP ratio in the Eurozone has reached a new record of 92.2% as high unemployment, tumbling trade flows and a prolonged recession in the single currency bloc take their toll. - The UK's ratio is the seventh largest in the EU, at 88.2%, level-pegging with Spain.’ Source:

Pray: for the UK’s bankers, financiers, commerce and industry leaders humbly to know God’s way forward and wisely and honestly to appraise 2013’s financial challenges. (2Ch.7:14)
