Displaying items by tag: Global

Friday, 19 April 2019 15:48

Global: the power of intercession

The rise of horrific incidents worldwide seems to line up with the Bible's warning of the end coming like a woman with birth-pains increasing in pain and frequency. If this is true, then the need of the hour for God's children is persistent, biblical intercession - a cry for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as in heaven. God's nature does not change (Mal. 3:6; Jam. 1:17), yet He can change His mind and be persuaded in response to prayer. Moses argued with God to change His mind about destroying Israel. He didn’t make excuses for Israel; instead he focused on what would happen to God's reputation and His promises. Seeking God's glory as the goal of intercession gets His attention, and we see the same goal with Jesus’ death on a cross - his mediation between God and man. We deserve judgment, but receive his amazing grace. (Hebrews 7:25)

Published in Worldwide

A new report from the IMF at its spring meeting shows that curbing corruption would deliver an additional US$1 trillion in tax revenues annually across the world; money that could support much-needed investments in health, education and infrastructure. In this season of trade-war fears, threats of economic shocks and warnings of a global economic slowdown, the IMF signalled a clear ambition to take a lead on tackling corruption. Reports for over sixty member countries mention that money-laundering and bribery have more than doubled. Mentions of the term ‘corruption’ increased by over 220%. Transparency International’s report on the IMF stated, ‘It is not enough just to mention corruption. What we would like to see is the IMF also making specific, actionable, and time-bound recommendations to tackle corruption.’

Published in Worldwide

Local ethnic or folk religions have seen great losses to the larger religious movements. They were the dominant faith among 30% of the world in 1900, but only among 9% today. Yet traditional religion has not gone away. Many followers of world religions wear their faith lightly and remain, at heart, followers of folk religions: shamanists, idol worshippers, spiritists or ancestor worshippers. The worldwide fascination with spells, amulets, crystals, and the occult highlights the power of the old ways. People who claim to connect with the spirit-world are still in demand around the world. Their presence is a kind of tax on fear. Yet people who have turned to Christ from folk religion testify to His power over spells, curses, fears, taboos and superstitions, and also in the life-and-death issues like sin and forgiveness. Pray for His light to shine ever brighter into the world of animism.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:23

Global: terrorism - 1

Following New Zealand’s terror attack, there have been six recorded incidents in just seven days. In Israel two rockets launched from Gaza terrorised residents around Tel Aviv; explosions and sirens were heard throughout the region. Palestinian terror group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Two Israelis were killed in another terror attack, and two days later a shooting attack on an Israeli bus traumatised passengers. In the Netherlands a gunman opened fire inside a tram, killing three and injuring others. In Kashmir 44 soldiers were killed and dozens injured by Pakistan terrorists. In Stanwell, UK, a far-right terrorist was arrested for attempted murder and racially aggravated public order. American experts say white nationalist threats are growing. Prayer leader Brian Mills says, ‘Satan undermines truth, is full of self-importance, is vehemently anti-Jewish and anti-Christian, seeks to interrupt our communication with God, and is a terrorist! We see a spirit of violence, intrinsic within Islam, being turned outwards.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 March 2019 09:27

Global: technology 30 years on

Global action is required to tackle the web's ‘downward plunge to a dysfunctional future’, said its inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee in an interview marking thirty years since its conception. He said people realised how data can be manipulated after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but data breaches, hacking and misinformation could be tackled. He acknowledged that many people doubted the web could be a force for good. While he had his own anxieties about the future, he felt users were beginning to understand the risks. He thinks the principles of an open web need to be safeguarded in three specific areas of ‘dysfunction’ that harm the web today: malicious activity of hacking and harassment; problematic system design such as business models that reward clickbait; and unintended consequences, such as aggressive or polarised discussions. He said these things could be dealt with through new laws and systems limiting bad behaviour online. See also UK article 3, ‘Saving the internet from itself’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:32

Global: Hindus need our prayers

Hinduism is slowly growing as people search for life’s answers in religion. Of the 140,000 Protestant missionaries across the nations, only 2% serve Hindu people. However, Hindus from all castes are slowly coming to Jesus after hearing Bible stories; in fact an entire village turned to Christ after hearing His Word preached in their language! Ministry to Hindus is challenging due to the variety of beliefs, practices, and subcultures. Pray for people of all castes to follow Christ. Pray for Hindus to abandon their thousands of gods to follow the one true God, and for God’s real and present power to expose the myth of karma. Pray also for those who have left Hinduism for Christ, because that choice often means persecution, even death. New believers are considered threats to Hindu society and are relentlessly pursued or shunned by their community. Fortunately new house churches welcome these new believers into their midst.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 January 2019 09:22

Global: Christian persecution rising

Figures for the persecution of Christians have shown a 'shocking increase', by 13.9% according to Open Doors World Watch List 2019. Asia has a sharp rise. China rose 16 places to number 27, with new laws to control all expressions of religion. Some church leaders say it is the worst since the Cultural Revolution ended in 1976. India, the world's largest democracy, is now number 10 on the list. Hindu extremists act with impunity, violently attacking Christians and churches and non-Hindu religious minorities. Rising nationalism is leading to persecution in Bhutan, Myanmar and Nepal, where national identity is tied to religion and those from minority faiths are considered outcasts. Persecution in North Korea has been worse than any other country for the last 18 years. In the north and middle of Nigeria, 3,700 Christians were killed for their faith - almost twice as many as the previous year.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:24

Freedom of religion outside the EU

In 2016, the EU parliament called for a permanent special envoy for freedom of religion and belief (FoRB), after the genocide of Christians, Yazidis and religious minorities by IS. One was appointed but his mandate was temporary; he was deprived of financial and human resources, and not fully integrated into the EU foreign strategy and policy. Consequently, the situation for minorities has deteriorated. 200 million Christians suffered brutal forms of persecution in 2018. 350 million Christians experienced discrimination. A proposal about this was put to the European parliament on 15 January; it was adopted, but further details are not yet known. It is hoped that a mandate will be fully integrated into EU foreign policies, with adequate financial and human resources to give real protection of FoRB.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 January 2019 09:18

Elections needing prayer in 2019

The results of forthcoming elections will be important in many ways - domestic, religious, regional and global. El Salvador elects a president on 3 February: security, corruption and migration will be campaign issues. On 16 February President Buhari seeks re-election in Nigeria, where electoral violence remains a real concern. Ukraine’s presidential election on 31 March will focus on security and the economy. Afghanistan’s fourth presidential election since 2001, on 20 April, will test its capacity to conduct a credible, orderly process amid deteriorating security conditions. In South Africa the ruling ANC, dogged by record-high unemployment and corruption, faces an election test in May following the resignation of President Zuma. European parliamentary elections between 23-26 May will see anti-Europe and Euro-skeptic forces capitalising on anti-immigration and populist economic issues post-Brexit. In Guatemala, general elections in June will focus on the economy, reforms to public administration, migration, and anti-corruption issues that have divided the country over recent years.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:04

Missionary who uses a gun and brings a Bible

Dave Eubank moved his family into the middle of some of the most dangerous places in the world to spread the Gospel and help others. He has been described as a Christian Rambo. Countless people caught in war zones around the globe are incredibly thankful for his outlook. Eubank achieved media fame last year when he saw IS forces shoot a fleeing family. He assumed everyone was dead, but then spotted slight movement; there was a small child alive in the midst of the horrific scene, lying under her mother’s body. With smoke screen and covering fire, he daringly ran into the open, exposing himself to enemy fire, grabbed the girl, and brought her to safety. He was seen praying for protection, crying out to Jesus, before he made the rescue attempt. Jesus is at the heart of everything Eubank does.

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