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Friday, 18 June 2021 05:13

Seed Company – Prayer Resources

Prayer Resources at Your Fingertips

At Seed Company we are passionate about accelerating the translation of God’s Word in every heart language that needs it by 2025. 

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Working with over 1400 global partners, we serve the local church by providing training, consulting, funding, and project management that leads to a meaningful, accurate translation in the local mother tongue. Thousands of prayer partners provide a solid foundation for the work.

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We are pleased to bring you this special Pentecost 2021 edition of IPC Connections.  

In our editorial article, Dr Jason Hubbard takes us on a valuable journey of learning about this time in the Church’s calendar.  He introduces it by saying ’As we prepare for Pentecost 2021, I want to highlight ten aspects of Jesus’s ascension in hopes that this climactic event will be an important bridge of understanding and inspiration for us linking Passover to Pentecost.  Let’s give attention to the Ascension!’

Among many difficult situations around the world, our hearts are particularly burdened at this time with the challenges facing India, Israel and Burma.  In this edition, we are providing some ‘on the ground’ briefings along with links to more information and suggested prayer pointers as we seek to intercede for these nations.

It is a time to pray, but it is also a time to participate in making a difference, in whatever ways we can.  We are providing some suggested routes for sending financial support to India in the article that follows below.

World Prayer Together | GO Pray seeks to cover Global Outreach Month (GO MONTH) in prayer, as this huge worldwide initiative encourages every believer to be a witness, by sharing the Gospel on a one-to-one basis during May 2021. 

We are already hearing heartening testimonies from around the continents of lives committed to Jesus.   The GO PRAY 2-hour program includes prayers for GO MONTH and prayers for India, China and the Middle East. 

It is now available to watch with multiple language sub-titles and audio translation in 10+ languages along with a prayer guide download.  

A 30-minute special edition is being prepared including some of the many testimonies.  Subscribe to the @ipcprayer YouTube channel to be notified when it goes live.

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 Editorial02The Global Day of Prayer – Pentecost Sunday Broadcast is a 60-minute program that is being shown around the world on Pentecost Sunday, online, on GODTV and many other networks.  Its theme is ‘Hope of the Coming Harvest’ - a clarion call for the Body of Christ to unite and pray earnestly for the coming harvest. This one-hour celebration of diversity includes key voices from around the world, and opportunities to pray united prayers for justice, healing, restoration, reconciliation, and hope for the nations with a special emphasis on the next generation and families. 

The program is being made available to churches and networks to download, translate and play as appropriate on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd.   See the final article below for details and a download link.

Hope of the Coming Harvest 2021 - The Pentecost Sunday Broadcast is one of several events taking place under the same theme, of ‘Hope of the Coming Harvest’ that aim to mobilise united prayer, worship and missions initiatives, contending for the great harvest in 2021. (Luke 10:2) Details of the events taking place during May follow below.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York along with Our Friends at 24-7 Prayer, are launching ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ today.  It is a global ecumenical wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ.

There are a huge number of national and international prayer and mission gatherings taking place during this season - more than any of our team can recall!  The pandemic has brought challenges, but it has also brought unprecedented opportunities as the church has leaped into the world of live-streaming and online meetings.  We thank God for the spirit of Luke 17 ‘oneness’ that pervades between each event, as we all respond to the times that we are in, and our common motivation, to make Jesus known across all peoples.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Every blessing,

Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Please use this link if you would like to sow into IPC’s ministry with a donation


The views and opinions expressed in IPC Connections and the articles on our website are those of individuals and our partner organisations. They do not necessarily represent the policies or views of IPC or its individual leaders.
We aim to respect the diversity within the prayer movement and yet embrace our unified calling to mobilise prayer for the nations. (2 Chron 7:14)   If you wish to discuss the appropriateness of any articles, please contact us.

After the resurrection, Jesus taught his disciples about God’s kingdom for forty days (Acts 1:3) and then he was “taken up” to heaven (Acts 1:211). The cross and empty tomb are at the very heart of the gospel message proclaimed by Jesus’s followers throughout history.  However, for many evangelical Christians and churches, Jesus’s ascension is simply an afterthought to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. 

As we prepare for Pentecost 2021, I want to highlight ten aspects of Jesus’s ascension in hopes that this climactic event will be an important bridge of understanding and inspiration for us linking Passover to Pentecost.  Let’s give attention to the Ascension!

First let’s lay the biblical foundation of what we believe concerning our Lord Jesus! We believe and declare that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, that he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and offered himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for sinners. By the blood of his cross he satisfied the wrath of God, obtained for us eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins, spiritual adoption as sons and daughters, life everlasting, and defeated the powers of darkness. He was raised bodily on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father, there to make intercession for the saints (Isaiah 53:1-12Matthew 1:18-25John 1:1-18Romans 8:341 Corinthians 15:1-282 Corinthians 5:21Galatians 3:10-14Ephesians 1:7Philippians 2:6-11Colossians 1:15-232:15Hebrews 7:259:13-1510:191 Peter 2:21-251 John 2:1-23:8).

10 Ascension Aspects

1. Prophecy of Psalm 110

One of the most frequently quoted Old Testament passage found in the New Testament is Psalm 110! Believers identified this passage as one of the most helpful in interpreting what was happening before their very eyes! 

“The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”  The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies!  Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours.  The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, “You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek” (Psalm 110:1-4).

David’s themes are just as true for us today:

-The Messiah sits down at God’s right hand

-He extends his scepter, making everyone, even his enemies his subjects

-His followers volunteer to join him in his kingdom’s advance

-He reigns on their behalf assuming the role of God’s High King and Priest

2. Jesus continues to work after the ascension.

In Acts 1:1–2 we read, “In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when he was taken up...” The small but important word began signals that Jesus’s ascension does not mark the cessation but the continuation of his work as Lord and Messiah.

3. Jesus’ ascension is his heavenly enthronement as King.

At Jesus’s ascension he is installed as the true king of the world. Jesus’s kingdom cannot be destroyed and will not pass away! According to Revelation 3:21 Jesus conquered and sat down with his Father on his throne, where he receives unending praise (Revelation 5:6–13). Jesus will reign at God’s right hand until all enemies are subdued under his feet (Psalm 110:1Acts 2:34–351 Corinthians 15:25Hebrews 1:13). Thus, God’s kingdom has been inaugurated through the enthronement of Jesus, who now sits on heaven’s throne and will return to consummate his kingdom on earth as in heaven.

4. Jesus’s ascension is his return to his Father.

Before and after his death and resurrection Jesus declares that he was sent by his Father and must return to his Father.

“I came from the Father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving the world and going to the Father” (John 16:28; cf. 13:13).

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.  And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (Act 1:8-11).  

Daniel 7:13–14 (ESV), “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.  And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7:13-14).

Daniel 7:13-14 speaks of Jesus coming to the Father in heaven to receive vindication and authority at his ascension. Jesus Christ, fully God, returns to heaven now fully human as well. 

“The ascension is the story of a body moving to heaven. It is not escape from the bodily realm, but the entry of humanity — in all our physical-ness — into heaven, the sphere of God. Far from diminishing the importance of the body, the ascension is the ultimate affirmation of bodily existence. The Son of God himself has a body — not as an historical convenience, but as a permanent presence in heaven” - David Matthias

He is crowned as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the very middle of history, in fulfillment of John 17:4-5,

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed” 

There has been no sweeter reunion in the history of the world than Jesus’s return to his Father! Perhaps the closest analogy is a courageous, wounded soldier returning to his loved ones after a hard-fought victory. Jesus fully accomplished his mission and glorified the Father on earth, and at Jesus’s ascension the Father glorifies the Son in heaven (John 17:4–5). Take heart that Jesus’s homecoming to his Father prepares the way for our homecoming to be with Jesus forever (John 14:2–4).

5. The ascended Lord Jesus is our heavenly mediator and high priest.

Jesus is the unique mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). His death and resurrection secure our forgiveness, justification, and reconciliation with God (Romans 4:25–5:12 Corinthians 5:18–21). Note also that the exalted Lord Jesus is now in heaven interceding for his people as our true high priest and advocate (Romans 8:34Hebrews 1:37:258:11 John 2:1). During his earthly ministry Jesus’s work was geographically limited — he didn’t teach in Ethiopia while healing in China. But now he is at work everywhere and able to hear and respond to his people’s prayers no matter the time or place. He sympathizes with our struggles and promises to do whatever we ask in his name (John 14:13–14Hebrews 4:15–16).

6. The ascended Lord Jesus will return as King and Judge.

In Acts 1:11 two angels explain to the disciples, “This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Jesus’s heavenly reign will one day be fully realized on earth (Revelation 11:1519:10–1622:3). Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). At his return, the Lord Jesus will execute divine judgment, vindicating his people and judging his enemies.

7. Jesus is Reigning Now

Jesus Ascended! Not ascended passively but actively  - He went up (Acts 1). Forty days after he rolled back the stone, he ascended to sit on the throne, reigning and ruling Now as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He has been exalted above every name in this age and the age to come! Right now, we share in the ascended life of the ascended one.  The ascension validated every aspect of Christ’s redeeming work for us, unleashing his active unrelenting reign over us! On the cross, Jesus offered up himself for our sins. Then in heaven, in triumph he offered up himself as the all sufficient sacrifice whose blood continues to cleanse us from all sin. Exaltation was the Father’s reward for Jesus’ unwavering submission to him for us. 

8. Jesus’s passion and ascension are linked together forever!

He went from victim to victor, from worm to warrior, from humiliation to glorification, from tortured to triumphant, from degradation to exaltation, from a lowly bleeding Lamb to a glorified Lion-Lamb!  The awful agony he once endured has been vindicated by the awesome dominion he now exhibits.

Jesus went from wearing a cruel crown of thorns to wearing a golden crown of glory, from robes dipped in blood to a kingly robe of splendor, from a mock scepter in his hand to a scepter of authority, from the insults of men to the worship of angels, from the filth of sin to the beauty of holiness.

See his head and hair, once soaked in blood, now dazzling white as snow…See the One whose eyes stung and dripped with blood, now blazing like fire… See his face, once swollen and raw from patches of His beard torn out…now shining brighter than the sun in all its brilliance…See his body, once stripped naked, now clothed in eternal majesty…See his hands pierced, now bleeding infinite splendor, See his feet once spiked to a stake of timber, now gleaming like burnished bronze…See his side once pierced and now hear him say, “This wound in my Heart is for YOU!” 

“Every Wound now Bleeds Glory”

He is the fountainhead of all Glory! The One from Whom Glory flows!  Glory that flows from Him, and through Him, and back to Him!

Revelation 5:6 describes this triumphant Lion of the Tribe of Judah as the Lamb of Glory, standing in the center of the throne, ‘looking as if he had been slain.’  Access has been granted to Behold Glory! The worship scene in Isaiah 6:1-8, shifted from the four living creatures covering their faces and feet to NOW in Revelation 4-5, having eyes all around gazing on the glory of the Holy One! The scene shifts from the prophet Isaiah crying out ‘Woe is me,’ to the redeemed in Revelation 4-5 crying out ‘Worthy are You!’

As disciples of Jesus, we enter into this ceaseless and unending praise, joining with the chorus of heaven night and day,

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing” (Rev. 5:12). 

9. Supremacy of Jesus

It’s the Father’s dream to see all things summed up in his Son!  Gods’ preordained plan and purpose is that Christ would have full supremacy in all things. Paul declares,

“making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth” (Eph. 1:9-10).

Jesus ascended. This was and remains the climactic outcome, the ultimate destination for which he descended into our world in the first place. As Scripture records:

. . . he also came down to the lower, earthly places.
The one who came down is the same one who went up.
He went up higher than all the heavens.
He did it in order to fill all creation
(Ephesians 4, NIRV, emphasis added).

Note that phrase: “in order to fill all creation.” This will result, ultimately, in every corner of the universe giving full attention to the Ascension.

Jesus Christ is the All-Consuming One, the All-Sufficient One, the All-Satisfying One!  

“He defies all human categories; there is no language that can adequately describe Him.  He is the incomparable One!  He remains in a class by himself…no duplicates, no clones.  His importance eclipses all others.  He outranks every other being in heaven, earth, or hell.  He is the exalted One; for all eternity he holds the primary focus of our praises.  He holds a position of unrivaled distinction, prestige, and majesty. He will be the joy of all peoples, the desire of all nations.  He is the Victorious One.  None of his enemies will prevail, he will defeat all of his foes unconditionally-both human and demonic and will emerge forever unthreatened, unhindered, and victorious over all opposition, permanently and forever.  He is the Preeminent and Supreme One…in time and space and history he lays claim to the universe, it all belongs to Him.  He is the all sufficient One.  Nothing can exhaust his power or resources.  He will forever prove totally adequate for all of our longings, fears, needs or heart cries.  He is faithful and true!” -David Bryant, Christ is All  

Christ sat down at God’s right hand. He assumed the position of greatest power, and authority.  This also privileges the Son with the closest intimacy with the Father, where plans are formed, counsel is taken, decisions are granted, and secrets are shared.

Being seated assumes Jesus’ official installment as King! It was the beginning of a coronation celebration that anticipates the final day when every knee will bow to him and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father (Phil. 2).

“When Jesus sat down, he became permanently and unconditionally the absolute Sovereign of heaven and earth, without restrictions or rivals. Anything now that is incompatible with his reign will be dethroned and is destined to be destroyed. The rebellion of every human heart must be regarded as treason. On the other hand, the submission of every human heart to him will always be received and regaled as worship.” -David Bryant, Christ is Now

10. The ascended Lord Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to his people.

The ascension of Jesus is about his enthronement over all and our empowerment by the Spirit.  God promised in Joel 2:28, “I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,” and this promise is fulfilled by the exalted heavenly Lord Jesus. The ascended Lord sent the Spirit to be present with his people (John 14:16), to empower them for worldwide mission (Acts 1:84:31), and to transform them to live lives that reflect their king (Romans 8:9–112 Corinthians 3:18).

Just before Jesus ascended, he commissioned his disciples to stay in the city until they were clothed with power from on High!

“And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”  And he led them out as far as Bethany and lifting up his hands he blessed them. 51 While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the temple blessing God” (Luke 24:49-53).

“And when they had entered, they went up to the upper room, where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James. 14 All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers” (Acts 1:13-14).

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance” Acts 2:32–36 (ESV).

“This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.  For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, “‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” ’ Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified” (Acts 2:32-36).

The disciples met together in the ‘upper room’ in one accord, ‘praying and praising’ joyfully for 10 days.  After 10 days of around the clock worship-saturated prayer, the Sound of a mighty rushing wind was released, a “Boom” in the “Upper Room,” as the Spirit of God was poured out upon them!

As John the Baptist earlier stated,

“This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’  I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.”  And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him.  I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes in and with the Holy Spirit.” (John 1:30-33)

God-the-Son in our flesh who came to take away the sin of the world, is also the One who came to baptize in and with the Holy Spirit.  The two works belong together.  When these two titles are kept together the gospel is really ‘good news.’ Jesus-to-the-rescue takes away sin, and then baptizes humans in and with the Spirit of God. 

The term baptize simply means to ‘immerse.’   The Greek text uses both ‘in’ and ‘with,’ the Holy Spirit. The ’in’ relates to that which we are immersed into, and the ‘with’ speaks of that which saturates us or literally, overwhelms us.  Therefore, Jesus the Baptist dunks us in and drenches us with the very life of the Triune God!

Dallas Willard uses the word ‘engulfment’ to describe this experience.  Jesus promises an engulfment in the Spirit of God.  He promises to cloth us or dress us with ‘power from on High.’ Jesus of Nazareth, God-in-flesh, redeems us from the power and grip of sin and then baptizes us, immerses us, soaks us, dresses us, saturates us, drenches us, and marinates us with the very Life of the Living God!

When the text says that Jesus ‘baptizes,’ it is in the present tense.  In New Testament Greek the tenses of verbs speak of the time of action and the kind of action.  The ‘present’ tense speaks of continuous action, literally ‘to keep on.’ Jesus is the one who keeps on baptizing in and with the Holy Spirit. In other words, He comes to keep on soaking us, keep on drenching us, keep on immersing us, keep on filling us with the Holy Spirit, until every fiber of our being radiates with the very presence of the Living God!

We see this confirmed in the story of the early church! Jesus promises, “in a few days you will be baptized in and with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5).  On the day of Pentecost, ‘they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4).  And then a few chapters later in Acts 4:31, the text says, “the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 4:31).

Paul says that it is God’s will that we ‘be filled with the Spirit.’ Not just once, twice, but over and over again! 

“Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,” (Eph. 5:17-18).

Whereas wine can ruin one’s judgment leading to debauchery, in contrast ‘being filled with the Spirit,’ leads to empowerment, self-control and a life exhibiting the fruits of the Holy Spirit! It is the nature of Jesus to keep on giving his life to us.  He fills us and keeps on filling us in stages, ‘grace upon grace’ as John puts it, transforming us from, ‘glory to glory’ as Paul teaches us (2 Cor. 3:18).


As we approach Pentecost 2021, let’s ask the Lord for a ‘greater Pentecost,’ a wave of the tangible presence and power of the Holy Spirit coming upon us with great revelation, with great anointing, and with great provision!

  • Let’s expect a BOOM in the UPPER ROOM, the coming sound of the Holy Spirit that brings us into a ‘decade’ of harvest and wholistic discipleship of all nations! As John Robb says, “the book of Acts culture will release the book of Acts breakthroughs!”
  • Let’s ask the Lord Jesus for a fresh ‘infilling’ of the person and presence of the Holy Spirit. Let’s return to the Holy Spirit, turning away from our own works to a total dependence on the Holy Spirit!
  • Let’s meditate on the exaltation and ascension of Jesus and give him his due reward! Let’s return to the place of united worship-saturated prayer, around the throne, around the clock and around the globe all for the Glory of the Lamb!
    • And finally, since a primary role of the Holy Spirit is to glorify and exalt the Lord Jesus, let’s partner with him and -Seek Jesus more fully for all He is by how we pursue and encounter him through prayer which leads us to…
    • Savor Jesus more fully for all He is by how we praise him and treasure him in worship which leads us to…
    • Speak of Jesus more fully for all He is by how we talk about him with other believers which leads us to…
    • Show Jesus more fully for all He is by how we imitate him in word and deed -which leads us to…
    • Serve Jesus more fully for all He is by how we minister to others for his sake -which leads us to…
    • Share Jesus more fully for all He is by how we introduce unbelievers to him as    Lord and Savior!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

Thursday, 13 May 2021 16:15

India – Pandemic Crisis

After a year of COVID, it has almost become possible to be desensitised to the human reality behind the appalling statistics – infection rates, death rates, hospitalisations are repeated regularly by governments and news sources, however all these bring with them tales of human pain and anguish. This is none more so than the current situation in India.  Even on the surface things look desperate; on 12th May according to official statistics there were over 360,000 new cases and 4120 new deaths.  However many fear the reality is far worse than this with Times of India reporting that death figures are likely 3 times higher than those being reported.  

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 01bIn horrific scenes, at least 90 more bodies of suspected Covid-19 victims have washed up in rivers in India, as the virus continues to spread into poor rural areas. More than 70 corpses were discovered floating in the Ganges River in the Buxar district of the state of Bihar and dozens more bodies were found upstream in the Ghazipur and Ballia districts in the neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh.  See Guardian article.

Many believe the bodies had been dumped due to the rising cost of cremating bodies, with crematoriums overrun and firewood for pyres now expensive and in short supply.

Images of ambulance drivers throwing bodies over a bridge on the border of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar into the river emerged on social media. The discovery of the suspected coronavirus fatalities was a cause of concern for local villagers who use the river as a source of water for drinking and washing. The Ganges is also the most sacred river to Hindus and is worshipped as the goddess Ganga. 

The former chief of the village of Mubarakpur in the district said the dumping of bodies had been happening “for the last week”.  Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have blamed each other for the dumping of the corpses. “The bodies have floated into Bihar from Uttar Pradesh,” said the Bihar minister Sanjay Kumar Jha, adding that a net had been placed in the Ganges along the state border to prevent any more bodies floating downstream. Uttar Pradesh authorities have denied all responsibility.

The health system remains overwhelmed.  According to the Financial Times, St Stephen’s Hospital in New Delhi was close to breaking point last week as it was inundated by victims of India’s coronavirus crisis. As its beds filled with patients in acute respiratory distress, the hospital’s oxygen supplies ran perilously low. At one point, its giant oxygen tank had just four to six hours of piped oxygen left for 300 seriously ill patients. Calamity was only averted after frantic calls to the hospital’s supplier and desperate public appeals. But days later, the piped oxygen ran out and St Stephen’s had to rely for several hours on oxygen cylinders.

“There’s no oxygen,” said Mathew Varghese, one of the hospital’s senior doctors. “The system is broken down and we’re losing patients. We don’t know what to do. We’re used to saving lives and we’re watching people die.”

The crisis at St Stephen’s reflected how India’s brutal second wave has overwhelmed health infrastructure and pushed the complex medical oxygen supply chain beyond its limits. India is reporting 300,000 infections and almost 3,000 deaths every day. Experts estimate the real figures are probably far higher.

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 01cAs patient numbers surged, families across India have engaged in desperate hunts for oxygen cylinders or hospital beds for ailing loved ones. More than 20 patients died last week after oxygen supplies ran out at another New Delhi hospital. Experts said the shortages were largely down to logistical challenges and bureaucratic mismanagement, with supplies in some parts of the country not reaching areas that are more in need.

For a few personal testimonies: of the challenges facing individuals living in India, please see this account by H Kam Suanthang, Elder, EBC Church, New Delhi and a Covid-19 India Prayer Briefing from Rev George Herman here.

Let’s Pray:

At times such as these we remember the words of 1 Corinthians 12: 26-27: If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

We therefore offer our prayers for and stand with our brothers and sisters who are living amidst this uncertainty.  We pray for the families of the patients are also going through horrific experiences trying everything to get the medical support for their loved ones where there just isn’t enough infrastructure to handle the scale of the outbreak.

Pray for strength, wisdom and resilience for the medical staff, many of whom are working long hours under great pressure, with insufficient medicine and oxygen.

Pray for more international intervention to provide more of the much-needed equipment and resources.

How to Give:

Many of us are giving already through our already established routes.  Here are three options that our readers may wish to consider:

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 01dChennai, South East India - Onassis Jeevaraj is IPC’s Director for the region and is co-ordinating support for numerous patients and bereaved families in the area.  It is relatively small-scale, but Onassis and the team are overwhelmed with the calls for financial assistance both for medical treatment and social need as a result of bereavement.  To support this work, please be in touch with Onassis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and consider the prayer points he shares with us here.



New Delhi Pop-Up Hospital - The Christian Mount Carmel School in New Delhi has been converted into a 100-bed Covid care centre to help with the crisis. Located in Dwarka Sector 22, it is set to function as a covid care centre with 100 oxygen beds for patients requiring oxygen support. To donate via Delhi House Society, please email them directly for details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


GODTV India Appeal - Our friends at GOD TV are co-ordinating a campaign to pray for and raise money to provide practical support for those in India.  They highlight that plight of the Indian people - dying alone in their homes, some on the streets, some in their cars. It seems like there’s no dignity for life anymore. People are not valued. One person tweeted ‘death has reached every family now’ in reference to a village in the north of India. Many families have lost more than 1 person and with not enough space to bury the dead, those grieving are not able to say a proper goodbye.  You can support their campaign here: https://www.god.tv/

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Thursday, 13 May 2021 16:12

Israel – On the brink of Civil War

The worst fighting between Israelis and Palestinians in seven years intensified this week, as Israeli airstrikes began targeting Hamas offices in Gaza City and militants in Gaza fired rockets at the metropolis of Tel Aviv, the southern city of Ashkelon and Israel’s main airport.

In Gaza, at least 67 Palestinians, including 15 children, had been killed by Tuesday night, and 203 others were wounded, according to health officials. In Israel, five people were killed in strikes on Tel Aviv, Ashkelon and Lod, and at least 100 were wounded, according to medical officials.

Away from the military conflict, a wave of civil unrest spread across Arab neighbourhoods as Palestinian citizens of Israel expressed fury at the killings in Gaza and longstanding complaints of discrimination inside Israel itself.

Towns with mixed Jewish and Arab populations have been struck by some of the worst communal violence that Israel has seen in years. Live footage was broadcast of far-right Israelis dragging a man they thought was an Arab from his car and beating him until he lay on the ground motionless and bloodied. Footage of the attack in Bat Yam, a Tel Aviv suburb, was broadcast live on TV.  Those in the crowd justified the attack by saying the man was an Arab who had tried to ram the far-right nationalists, but the footage showed a motorist trying to avoid the demonstration.

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 02bAt the same time, Arab protesters also took to the streets, triggering confrontations with Jews. They burnt cars and assaulted Jewish residents of mixed cities, according to police.

This all comes at a time when cities with mixed populations have been positive examples of co-existence but are now being destabilised by a small but destructive minority.  As trust is damaged and moderate voices increasingly lost the fear is that violence will only continue to escalate.

The mayor of Lod, a city with both Jewish and Arab residents, warned that “civil war” was breaking out after Arab mourners clashed with police. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, called on both Jews and Arabs to cease attacks on each other: “It doesn’t matter to me that your blood is boiling. You can’t take the law in your hands,” he said.

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 02cThe fighting between Israel and Hamas was triggered by days of escalating clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police at a holy hilltop compound in East Jerusalem.

The site is revered by both Muslims, who call it the Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), and Jews, for whom it is known as the Temple Mount. Hamas demanded Israel remove police from there and the nearby predominantly Arab district of Sheikh Jarrah, where Palestinian families face eviction by Jewish settlers. Hamas launched rockets when its ultimatum went unheeded.

Palestinian anger had already been stoked by weeks of rising tension in East Jerusalem, inflamed by a series of confrontations with police since the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in mid-April.

It was further fuelled by the threatened eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem by Jewish settlers and Israel's annual celebration of its capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war, known as Jerusalem Day.

The UN have stepped in amid concerns that the region is heading towards a full-scale war.  The UN envoy Tor Wennesland said leaders on all sides “have to take the responsibility of de-escalation” after a day of ferocious confrontations and the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, promising to intensify attacks on Gaza. “The cost of war in Gaza is devastating and is being paid by ordinary people,” said Wennesland. “Stop the fire immediately. We’re escalating towards a full-scale war,” he warned.

Sources / More info: New York Times  |  BBC News

Read more insight into the situation surrounding Israel from Well Versed World.

Let’s Pray:

Pray for peace and that the moderate voices calling for it will be heard above the explosions and gunfire.
Pray for the victims and their families that they may be comforted in their loss.
Pray for the political leaders in the region, that they will show wisdom in seeking an end to the violence and not seek political gain out of the situation.
Pray for all those living in fear that they may know the peace of God in these difficult times.
Pray for restoration of communities being torn apart by civil unrest and communal violence.

Thursday, 13 May 2021 16:09

Myanmar – ‘Future lies in darkness’

The situation in Myanmar continues to deteriorate.  The devastation is highlighted by Khaing Sandi Win Min, First Secretary at Myanmar's Permanent Mission in Geneva and a member of the Civil disobedience movement opposed to the Military Junta. See here.  She writes that since the military coup, Myanmar’s security forces have viciously attacked those protesting peacefully against the military’s seizure of power on February 1. Even away from the streets, the people of Myanmar have been forced to endure brutal human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed by the state’s security forces. Each day and night has become a nightmare for the people. The future of Myanmar lies in darkness.

The systematic and targeted acts of the military and security forces have led to the deaths of more than 750 people, including dozens of children. The junta has also arbitrarily arrested, charged, and sentenced more than 3,400 people. While in custody, many have been subject to various forms of torture, and, in the case of women and girls, sexual harassment and assault. The death toll is increasing daily. The security forces are also targeting the family members as hostages, in order to track down those wanted for participation in anti-coup protests.

Under Myanmar’s junta, fundamental freedoms, including the right to life, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to privacy, and private property rights, have been all but swept away.

All of Myanmar’s people – whether protestors, social influencers, those joining the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), or those simply trying to keep their heads down – are living with fear every second, every minute, and every hour.  With the economy in a state of collapse, The U.N. World Food Program has estimated that in the coming six months, hunger will hit 3.4 million people in Myanmar, especially in urban areas.

Christians in Myanmar continue to asking fellow believers to join in prayer for their nation following the military takeover in February.  It is particularly difficult to live as a Christian in Myanmar at present.  Churches have been raided in the wake of the coup, which has been followed by a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy supporters and protesters. 

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 03bMany Christians have also lost their livelihoods as well as seeing their Churches raided on a regular basis.

Pastors have been doubly hard hit by the pandemic because Covid-19 has prevented Christians from going to church, meaning the pastors are unable to collect the tithes that pay their livelihoods and building rent. Christians in Myanmar have told Open Doors of their fears of night raids on their homes by security forces. Another described "living in fear" on a daily basis.

The cost of food and basic necessities has doubled in the crisis, with many Christian families going without enough food to eat and being unable to go to work for fear of their safety. See here

As we stand with our Brothers and Sisters, we look to these prayer points which have been shared with us:

1. Civil war is breaking out in various places and civilians and ethnic armed groups are fighting back. They are filled with anger from decades of injustice.

Please pray for Godly ways to challenge this military dictatorship.

2. Food prices have gone up 30% and banks are struggling with cash. People have to stand in line half the day just to get access to Limited amounts of cash. The poor and internal refugees are heavily hit.

Please pray for the church to be active in sharing God's goodness and practical blessing.

3. Youth are without a future. Schools and universities have been shut for over a year. Many are distraught. drugs, human trafficking and joblessness are causing a heavy toll on this generation.

Please pray for healthy and inspiring opportunities for the new generation. That they may encounter God's purposes for their lives and a vision in this crisis.

4. The harvest fields are ripe like never before. Many are hungry for Truth, Justice and answers that they are unable to find in Buddhism and Hinduism and Islam.

Please pray for the church to be active, engaged and inspired to be salt and light and transform this nation.

5. We haven't heard from the elected govt for over 100 days.

Please pray that they may encounter God, have a vision of Righteousness for Myanmar and that they may lead with Godly principles of govt.

6. There is fear in the general public. Many are arrested at night and snatched from their homes. The army is using heavy weapons to target civilians.  If they lose a battle with ethnic armed groups, they retaliate by shooting at villages from the air. Many are hiding in jungles as a result.

Please pray for protection and failure of weapons and plans that aim to cause havoc amongst the innocent.

Thursday, 13 May 2021 16:06

World Prayer Together | GO PRAY

Join millions of people from across the nations for World Prayer Together / GO PRAY.  A two-hour program to worship and pray for GO MONTH – a month of evangelism calling every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Throughout May 2021, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer!

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Our prayer focus during the 2-hour program, this time, is evangelism and gospel movements amongst the remaining unreached peoples of India, China, and the Middle-East.

World Prayer Together is convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with IHOPKC, GOD.TV and numerous ministries around the world.   It is part of a series of global prayer events under the World Prayer Together banner.  GO PRAY took place on 1st May – and represented a day of united prayer for this month of mission.  It is being replayed online and across numerous networks in multiple languages during this month.  A prayer guide is also available.

Inspirational Leaders…

PENTECOST EDITION 2021 04bThe online prayer and worship gathering is led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including: MK Bharti, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Dr Hormoz Shariat, Dr Jason Hubbard, Dave Gibson, Onassis Jeevaraj, Leslie Keegel, Daniel Lim, Werner Nachtigal & William J Dubois. 

Worship is led by Andrew Meek and the IHOPKC worship team.

Above all – please pray with us for each person as they share Jesus on a one-to-one basis during May, and for an unprecedented harvest!

Full details are at www.worldprayertogether.com


Part of #hopeofharvest2021 |

Thursday, 13 May 2021 15:44

Hope of the Coming Harvest

A number of prayer and missions networks have come together in John 17 unity, with a sense of great expectation of a move of God across the nations and continents in 2021.

Join the movement for a series of global prayer, worship and missional events between now and August '21, all with one goal - Contending for Revival!

Summary details of each of this month's events, weblinks and flyers are listed below and on the website at www.hopeofharvest2021.og





4 APR – 23 MAY - The Jesus Fast: www.thejesusfast.global


A global call of Ruth: Your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God

Like the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness for the 40 day fast (the biblical era shifting fast) that inaugurated the first great Jewish harvest of souls, it is our eager expectation and prescient anticipation that this 40 day Jesus (Yeshua) Fast April 14th – May 23rd (Pentecost Sunday) could be a tipping point for a new day of salvation for Israel and harvest in the earth.  (Lou Engle)

1 MAY - World Prayer Together: www.worldprayertogether.com


Join millions of Christians of all ages worldwide as we pray for the launch of GO MONTH – a month of evangelism calling every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

A two-hour online worship service on @GODTV from @IHOPKC with prayers for China, India and the Middle East.

World Prayer Together / GO PRAY has been convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with IHOPKC, GODTV and many others.

Watch with subtitles in 30+ languages, audio translation with Prayer Guide download in 10+ languages and a 30 Minute Program coming soon.

13 – 22 MAY - 10 Days of Praise: www.waymakers.org/pray/ten-days-of-praise/


From Ascension to Pentecost we will be uniting around the world in Christ-exalting prayers and praise, declaring ‘Worthy is the Lamb’ as we count down to Pentecost Sunday…

Gather friends, family and prayer partners and be a part of this amazing move of God!

More info & prayer guides in English & Spanish available from the weblink above.

13 – 23 MAY - 10 Days Pentecost: www.10days.net   |  www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org


10 Days Pentecost is a 24/7, 10 Day online prayer meeting with believers from around the world.

From Ascension Thursday (May 13) leading up to Pentecost Sunday, May 23, we will have 24/7 prayer with two daily teaching times at Noon Eastern (7pm Israel) and 7pm eastern (2am Israel).

In response to your registration, you will receive the login information necessary for you to join the online meeting space. You are welcome to join for prayer at any time during 10 Days Pentecost. Each hour is facilitated by a different prayer leading team, so please follow the lead of the leader in each hour.

Partnering with the Global Family 24/7 Prayer room, this gathering will include believers from all 6 continents and speaking many languages. The teaching times will feature powerful teachings coming from many different perspectives and cultures.  You can see the schedule of who is leading prayer each day at https://globalfamily24-7prayer.org/

17 MAY - Shavuot Gathering: www.watchmen.org


Amidst the global shakings, there is a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. These are times of unimaginable tragedies. Yet, God is moving in our midst. Over and over again we see the Spirit of God uncovering truths and aligning His people to His heart.

In this new season, God is stirring the heart of the global Ekklesia to believe that the fulfillment of His covenant promises is at hand. Even promises and dreams that have become dormant or forgotten are resurfacing as we corporately seek His face.  Our God is a God who keeps His Word. The covenants He has cut with His people will not be mocked. Our Covenant-Keeping God will emerge victoriously.

Just as in the days of the early church, we come expectantly to see a renewal of the day of Pentecost in which the Spirit was poured out on the disciples. As we join together to wait on the Lord, there is a yearning for more of His glory to fill our homes, our cities, and our nations. Time and time again, there is an awestruck phenomenon that occurs when the Divine surprises us, taking us deeper from unity to oneness, restoring us as a family of God.

Join us on May 17th for the Shavuot Gathering at 5:00 AM PDT Vancouver / 3:00 PM IDT Jerusalem.

22 MAY - The March for Jesus Global: www.themarchforjesus.org


The March For Jesus is a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the Lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty and the Supremacy of the Savior. It’s all about Jesus ... and nothing else.

What better time of the year for the Church to declare its oneness? Pentecost Weekend.

Pentecost marks the birth of the Church and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to all nations. (Acts 2:1-4) Let’s celebrate our Savior in cities, towns and villages throughout the nation in a

March For Jesus, this year on Saturday, May 22, 2021.

Register or Find Your Community at the website link above.

22 MAY - GKPN Global Youth Movement Event: www.gymglobalyouthmovement.org




Join young people from every continent for a 3.5 hour online programme of Worship, Teaching and Inspirational Testimonies.

Our 3 themes for this event will be Holiness, Discipleship and Missions.

Worship from Bethel Music, Watoto Worship & Gateway Worship

Guest Pastors: Pastor Edmund Chan (Singapore), Pastor Joakim Lundqvist (Sweden), Pastor Paulo Mazoni (Brazil), Pastor Robert Morris (Texas), Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo (Uganda) and Pastor Sergio Hornung (Peru).

Register now and receive an exclusive FREE e-book

23 MAY - Global Day of Prayer & Pentecost Broadcast: www.globaldayofprayer.com


On Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd, believers around the world will unite and raise a call for the nations to awaken, the Church to GO and the next generation to arise.

Watch this dynamic one hour celebration of diversity on GODTV and other leading networks.

Keep your eye on www.globalvoiceofprayer.com for further updates.




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#hope #hopeofharvest2021


Ministries and Churches interested in using the video locally, translating and re-broadcasting the programme, please see the next article.

Part of #hopeofharvest2021 |

29 MAY - GO Day: www.gomovement.world



All over the world, millions of Christians share the Good News of Jesus Christ on the last Saturday in May. We invite you to be part of GO DAY - LET’S GO!


The GO DAY was originally known as GLOBAL OUTREACH DAY. Go out and tell someone about what Jesus has done in your life, and what he has done for ­everyone — the Gospel.


Imagine how sharing your story, your ­experiences with God could change your community, neighborhood, workplace, and family.

And what if every believer on earth did the same?! The impact on humanity as a whole would be beyond imagination.

God can use YOU.  Do it your way, whatever fits your situation.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses. (Acts 1:8)

The Pentecost Sunday Broadcast programme video file is now available to be shared and prepared for broadcast across your networks on May 23rd!  You can view it here.

We would encourage our partner ministries and churches to use this as part of your gatherings, church services, watch parties etc on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd.  

If you know of contacts interested in translation, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Also, do let the team know how you are using the program!

Kindly do not make the programme live until Pentecost Sunday.  Any questions, please do email the Global Voice of Prayer Team.

Please share this widely and encourage your networks to broadcast this on Pentecost Sunday! 

Part of #hopeofharvest2021 |

Friday, 30 October 2020 16:03

IPC Connections November 2020 Intro


We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for November 2020.  

Last month we brought you a special feature on America and the 3rd November US elections that included an Editorial article briefing written by Dave Kubal which we are sure you will continue to find useful as you cover this important time for the nation in prayer.  We are including some extra resources, prayer points and a link to Dave’s video on Praying for the US Elections in John’s article below. 

This Autumn marks the 30-year anniversary of Germany’s unification.  We thank God for blessing their nation with a strong economy a democratic government and freedom to worship Him without persecution.  Our colleague, Werner Nachtigal recently reminded us of the prayers that brought the wall down, and that we can all be in prayer to see re-unification across other nations such as North and South Korea where it almost seems impossible.  But with God, all things are possible, Amen!  Let’s especially be in prayer for One Korea at this time. 

Our Editorial article this month is a timely, encouraging reminder of the story of Evan Roberts and the 1904 Welsh Revival, brought to us by Jason Hubbard.   Over three years, 250,000 responded to the Gospel message.   In his memoirs, Evan wrote - "Before men I might reach a limited few, but before God I could reach the whole world!"  To see a number of other inspiring #teachustopray 15-minute devotionals by Jason documenting ‘The wildest stories of the Praying Church from Acts until 2020’ Click Here.

The Covid-19 pandemic has now affected 45 million people worldwide with 1.1 million now losing their lives.  We bring you up to date information on this along with prayer points and links to various resources.  

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman

International Prayer Connect

Please use this link if you would like to sow in to our ministry with a donation

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