Displaying items by tag: Outreach

Thursday, 20 August 2020 21:32

Delivery man calls pastor

Jim answered the phone, ‘Hello’. The caller responded, ‘Are you a pastor?’ ‘Yes, can I help you?’ ‘My name is Jacob, we delivered an appliance to your home and you shared about missions. I was interested in going on a short-term mission.’ Jim said, ‘Yes, I remember you.’ ‘We wanted to go to the Philippines but the virus shut down the mission trip. My wife flew to Ohio to visit family and was killed in an accident. I had her phone that day and I placed your number in it, my pastor told me to call everyone that she had talked to.’ ‘I was overwhelmed, I said to Jacob, ‘Let’s pray’.People are hurting everywhere and we have the answer, Jesus Christ. So the question is, will we share our faith more aggressively? This is what we need to do during this virus fear. Be bold, pray and speak up to everyone, now is the time.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 August 2020 21:03

Hope in uncertain times

Click this link to watch a 30-second video in which Stephen Elphick from HOPE explains how a woman became a Christian when she visited their HOPE space in Bedford town.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:01

Syria: vital foreign aid approved

On 11 July the UN approved a new round of cross-border aid to Syria through the Turkish border into militant-controlled Idlib province - providing one year of foreign aid to the northwest region of Syria and critical supplies to over one million Syrians. Millions more civilians within opposition-controlled areas rely heavily on such aid to survive. Throughout the war Syrian Christians have played a vital role within their communities, providing a lifeline to those in need. Many of them are within government-controlled areas, which are more heavily impacted by sanctions. If foreign aid to these areas was abolished, it would limit the resources used by Christians to provide hope to their communities. Pray for the international Christian community to seek new ways to bring about resolution and peace in this war-weary nation.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:49

Covid conversions

Jonas is a Kenyan church planter and respected leader in his village. When Kenya shut down due to coronavirus villagers lost their jobs and income, food prices rose and families struggled. Jonas saw that they not only needed Jesus, they needed help. He used his wages to buy food for the needy. Others were inspired by his generosity and donated food to be distributed to vulnerable families. Other church planters joined him in food aid and sharing Jesus' love. The results were astounding. 863 people heard the Good News, 211 received Christ. A Muslim man named Aasir lost his job and his home. Jonas took them in. Aasir saw what it was like to walk in a relationship with Jesus, day in and day out, and he also surrendered his life to Christ.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 July 2020 20:44

Church-planting and discipleship movements

During the last 25 years thousands of new followers of Christ have been born among peoples who were historically starved of the gospel. These mass turnings to Christ are happening among Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist peoples through natural networks of family, household, and friendship. The gospel is introduced through a person with an abundance of natural links in the community, often called a ‘person of peace’. Discipleship is learnt in groups meeting to discuss the scriptures and seeking to obey Christ. Each person is taught to reproduce the discipleship process in their own networks. Living out the Kingdom by serving others is seen as important in glorifying God and in reducing hostility to the message. Praise God that many thousands of people are meeting Christ in Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist communities. Pray for church-planting initiatives around the world to be channels of grace.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 June 2020 21:26

Community growing schemes

Community growing schemes are enabling churches to develop relationships with people who would never come to a Sunday service; because of that, opportunities arise for church members to pray with their neighbours in times of need or struggle. It is a new expression of what church is and can be when relating to the unchurched neighbourhood. Community gardening initiatives vary from gardens whose object is to provide social connection to sustainable food production, supplying foodbanks and other areas of need. Some churches are involved in both. The environmental adviser to the Archbishops’ Council sees the potential for community food-growing alongside therapeutic gardening in initiatives such as the Church Times Green Church Awards, churchyard initiatives, biodiversity projects, and the target to be carbon-neutral by 2030. There is a huge surge of interest from people wanting to grow something.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 June 2020 20:52

Post-Covid global mission

These pandemic days are not lost days. Even with global lockdowns and slowdowns, the opportunity for the gospel has accelerated. Michael Oh, global executive director / CEO of the Lausanne Movement, looks toward a post-Covid era of mission, one in which creative, bold leaders envision new mission strategies and collaboratively build the community that we want for the future. To read his comments, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 June 2020 23:08

Global: Kingdom vision

We are living at a historic time, in terms of international health. Never has a pandemic had the physical, economic, and social impact of Covid-19. But we are also seeing an unprecedented moment in the history of the church. In missions today, there is a convergence of five major events that have never happened before, say the One Challenge global research team. Five major mission milestones are coming together. Every known people group in the world has been ‘adopted’ by at least one body of Christians to take the gospel to them. By 2025, a translation of the gospel should be started in every known language in the world. Churches, denominations and mission agencies are working together as never before. The technology exists to deliver the gospel to every person on earth. The nations and people of the world are being prayed for through a vast number of prayer networks of millions of people.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 May 2020 22:11

GO2020 - 31 May 2020

Christians around the world will participate in a global outreach on Pentecost Sunday, 31 May, with the goal of sharing the Gospel with one billion people. The ambitious effort is an offshoot of Global Outreach Day, ‘GO2020,’, aiming to spark waves of new disciples as the very first Pentecost did two thousand years ago. The focus goes beyond salvation. Organisers are also asking for God to intervene in the midst of the pandemic crisis. With so many struggling with the instability, they believe the time is ripe to share the message of Christ and reap a harvest of souls. They will meet their goal of sharing the gospel with one billion people if every Christian reaches just five people in his or her social circle.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 28 May 2020 21:22

Global: setting the oppressed free

If the world consisted of 100 people, 20 would live in a slum; 42 would never hear about Jesus; 49 would live on less than £1.50 a day. Please pray for the many missionaries working to preach the Good News to the poor (Luke4:18a). Jesus was clear that everyone has a right to know and to choose to follow him in ways that are culturally appropriate for them. Pray for abundant distribution of Bibles and teaching materials for the various unreached people groups. 81% of these people live in Asia and the Arab world. Jesus also said that there should be freedom for the prisoners (Luke 4:18b). Families can be trapped for generations, feeling hopeless and out of control. Jesus had a lot to say about poverty and its effects, so pray for God to empower all who engage with communities and address issues such as income-generation, vocational training, education, and social justice. See also

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