Displaying items by tag: Outreach

Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:15

Technology - the tool of the moment

Technology is a powerful tool for light and life in this pandemic. A surge in Google searches around the theme of hope and faith plus a phenomenal increase of people searching Christian websites means that more are hearing the Gospel. Global Media Outreach registered a 170% increase in clicks on search engine advertisements about finding hope. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Campus Crusade (Cru) created special internet tools for ministry in the pandemic. Cru’s student page is expected to receive 20 million more visitors than last year, and BGEA’s outreach had 191,000+ online visitors and 11,000 decisions to accept Jesus as Saviour. See also Intercessor Focus: praying for the local church.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 April 2020 23:45

Hope with God growing

The Luis Palau Association produces a website and social media, Hope with God. It is a growing community that shares the Gospel through targeted ads and daily encouragement. Hope with God is seen by an average of 36,000 people each month, indicating a commitment to Jesus Christ through this platform. The team has seen that the number of decisions to trust and hope in the Lord has more than doubled since the Covid-19 outbreak began.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 March 2020 23:46

City missions and homeless

London City Mission cares for sick and marginalised Londoners. Pray for churches in lockdown as they adapt to share the gospel of light in the darkness of this crisis. May Christians be beacons of light so that God’s grace is apparent in London and the nation. Pray for people like Kris, homeless and a Big Issue vendor, who can’t sell his magazines and relies on one meal a day. Pray for provisions to be made for the homeless in lockdown A Glasgow homeless shelter had to close when a staff member and a service user caught coronavirus. They tried to prevent people from being left without shelter, but those with insecure immigration status or complex background issues are sleeping on the streets after the council said they did not have a statutory duty to accommodate them. Pray for councils and police to care for self-isolating homeless. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 March 2020 00:13

Ten years and counting - the Real Easter Egg

David Marshall, of the Meaningful Chocolate Company, launched the Real Easter Egg ten years ago after discovering that not a single Easter egg mentioned the Christian faith. This startling revelation was the springboard for this egg, which, a decade on, still cuts a lonely figure in the sea of chocolate eggs on supermarket shelves that make no reference whatsoever to the Christian origins of the festival. But the fact that it is still on the shelves isn't something David takes for granted: after all, when the egg was first launched, supermarkets were reluctant to stock it. There is little reference to Jesus or the religious aspect of Easter elsewhere, but David’s company continues to provide faith-based Easter eggs that come with a children's book telling the story of Easter.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:03

Italy: faith conversations 'like never before'

In response to coronavirus, 60 million Italians have been told to stay at home until 3 April, except for work and emergencies. As Italy deals with a total lockdown, gospel opportunities are flourishing. The vice-chairman of Italy’s Evangelical Alliance said, ‘Often our challenges bring with them opportunities. We've never experienced a time of openness towards spiritual conversations as we have in the past few days.’ The Diocese of Rome has cancelled the celebration of all Catholic masses and announced a day of fasting and prayer with a special televised mass. People are struggling to handle fear, anxiety and despair. That, of course, is a pain, but it brings opportunities for the Gospel to be shared, and also to be lived out. Although we may not go around to homes, we can phone, we can use technology, we can try to stay close to people as much as possible’.

Published in Europe
Friday, 28 February 2020 03:18

Church renewal

In February 2019 the Church of England took a historic decision to have a loving, worshipping Christian community on every significant estate in England. That means offering enhanced support to existing churches and finding ways of planting new churches onto those estates from which they are absent. In 12 months they have been developing partnerships with people and organisations who share the Church’s commitment to renewing church life on the estates. These partnerships include other Christian denominations, mission agencies, Christian resource and training providers and the National Estates Churches Network which provides a support network and resources for estate leaders. During 2020 they will continue to use a range of written, spoken and social platforms to raise the profile of the ministry and attract able leaders to this work.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:06

Global: GO 2020 outreach

Christians will soon celebrate Christmas, BUT hundreds of millions of people have not yet heard of Christ. The great revivals and mission advances throughout church history followed the pattern of prayer preceding evangelism. Now, tens of thousands of churches with hundreds of mission organisations and prayer movements are joining forces for an epic prayer and mission initiative, unlike anything the world has known, called GO 2020. The goal is to reach one billion unreached people with Christ’s Good News. By May 2020, GO 2020 aims to have mobilised 100 million Christians to pray that unreached people groups, at home and abroad, will come to know the Lord, as mission agencies preach and teach. No one organisation can accomplish such a feat, but many can flow together like tributaries into one unstoppable river. To get involved, go to

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 November 2019 23:15

Free Bibles to Kanye West fans

Kanye West's Jesus is King album has prompted the American Bible Society to offer 1,000 free Bibles. ABS said that curiosity about Christianity has soared since the US rapper released his first Christian album: ‘When we saw an influential cultural figure like Kanye inspiring young people to seek out answers to their faith questions, that was an opportunity to provide God's word and point people to it as a source for their questions about faith.’ Up to 1,000 copies of the Good News translation are available to fans who apply on the ABS website. According to Google Trends, online searches for ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christianity’ shot up significantly in the USA after West released his album on 25 October.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 18 October 2019 09:21

Tajikistan: a transformed life

Alexey, a middle-school dropout, first went to the missionaries’ church for food when he was a homeless beggar. When he got a job and could feed himself, he stopped attending church. He met Anya and they had a baby boy, but he fell into substance abuse and his income did not cover family costs. When child welfare authorities arrived at their door to take their son away, they successfully pleaded for more time to show they could care for him. Realising his need for God, Alexey took his family to church the following Sunday. He repented and asked believers to pray for them. ‘From that day, a huge change took place in our lives. We got married, I ended drug and alcohol abuse, and we read the Bible daily. Thanks to God for the miracle He has done in our lives.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:53

Quaker Week (28 September to 6 October)

This week, Quakers are describing their personal faith journeys. 'Quaker Stories’ is the theme of this year's Quaker Week. These stories will be shared on social media, using the hashtags #QuakerWeek and #QuakerStories. Alistair Fuller, of Quakers in Britain, said, ‘They are planting seeds of renewal for the world they love. Every year, we encourage Quakers to share what their faith means to them. This year we are telling the stories of how they live out their faith in the world, and how this can challenge, inspire and transform us.’ See

Published in Praise Reports