Displaying items by tag: prayer

‘Passion for the Nation’ circulated this prayer yesterday, in response to the terror attack at Westminster: ‘Lord, we speak Your healing, comfort and strength to every person injured in the Westminster attack and to the relatives of all those killed. In the Name of Jesus, we declare that a spiritual watch will be increasingly established in our land, and we call the Church to a new level of watching and prayer. May God’s watchmen be positioned over the high places of our nation, over our cities, borders, streets and all high-profile locations. We declare an increase of divine connections to civil authorities in this season. God’s plans are for good and not for evil, so in the Name of Jesus we pray for God’s plans for peace, mercy and hope over and against every plan and purpose of Satan to bring fear and division into our land.’ For the full declaration, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 March 2017 09:45

Thy Kingdom come

We recently highlighted THY KINGDOM COME 2017, launching a time of prayer from 25 May to 4 June. It is gathering momentum - not only in the UK but worldwide. An updated website is now live with more information on this call to pray individually, as families and as churches together, from Ascension Day to Pentecost. The site has a wide range of excellent resource material which can be downloaded and copied free, or bought if people prefer. Pray for awareness to continue to grow, through networking ministers and prayer groups talking to other local churches about joint prayer times. Pray for the communities of praying people to explore new ideas and ways of engaging people in prayer across their communities, towns and cities. The theme of the ten days is 'Praying that people come to know Jesus Christ'.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:23

A call to arms

The following is from a Pray for Scotland pdf: ‘We are in unprecedented times of change and upheaval. But, praise God, we are also in unprecedented times of opportunity and openness to the Gospel. In modern warfare, ground assaults precede air attacks to remove defences, supply lines, etc. So it is in the spiritual battle. As the ground troops, our task it is to take back the ground lost to the forces of evil. We do this through mission and outreach, through acts of kindness and compassion, through being “salt and light” where God has placed us in the workplace or other part of society, and in other ways. The air assault to prepare the way for the ground troops is our prayers and worship; two warfare weapons that change the atmosphere in our streets, communities, towns, and cities - removing obstacles to the advance of the Gospel, demolishing strongholds, replacing “heaviness” in the atmosphere with “lightness”, and opening hearts and minds to receiving the truth about Jesus.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 March 2017 09:56

Guatemala: the Chajul Ixil project

Last week we praised God for Bible translation work in two different countries; this week we ask for prayer for Guatemala. When the original translator for the New Testament in Chajul lxil died, someone experienced in a related language helped the Chajul translators, who have now completed the project. The translation was sent to South Korea for printing last October. Please pray for a mistake-free printing process, resulting in quality books. Ask God to protect the books as they are shipped back to Guatemala. Pray for continued excitement among the Chajul Ixil as they anticipate having God’s Word in their heart language. Pray for the preparations by a large church to implement a programme to read through the Chajul Ixil New Testament in their main church building and all outlying congregations.

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:00

Pray for Egypt and Protection of Christ’s people

“Christians in Egypt request prayer after the killing of four Christians in the last three weeks, and after the publication on 19th February of a video calling for further killings.

Wa'el Youssef was shot dead by militants in front of his wife and son in his shop in the North Sinai town of al-Arish on 31st January. Two weeks later militants in the same town shot and killed two more Christians: Bahgat William and Adel Shawqi. A fourth Christian, Gamal Tawfiq, was shot and killed last Thursday, 16th February.

Three days later, on 19th February, a video was published by Daesh (the so-called Islamic State group) which called for Christians in Egypt to be killed. The video featured a recording of the suicide bomber who blew himself up in a church adjacent to the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo on 11th December. The bomber killed 29 people.

Five years ago many Christians left the North Sinai region after a priest and a Christian trader were killed and leaflets were distributed which gave Christians 48 hours to leave the region or be killed. Since the overthrow of former President Morsi in 2013, numerous Christians have returned to the region. Now Christians are fearful again. One Christian resident told the Watani newspaper: "We have been leading very hard lives since the last four killings... We can't leave because our livelihoods are here, our homes are here, and we have nowhere else to go. We keep on asking ourselves every day 'Who's next?'"

Islamic militants also regularly attack security personnel in the North Sinai region and abduct or kill civilians suspected of working with the security forces. Last November in al-Arish they killed Suleiman Abu Haraz, a highly respected 100-year-old Sufi Muslim leader. Shortly afterwards they issued a threat against Sufi Muslims in Egypt, saying they must renounce their ways or be killed.

Christians in Egypt request prayer:
a. for the Lord's comfort for all those whose loved ones were killed by Daesh (ISIS) in North Sinai
b. for protection for Christians and others threatened by militants, and for wisdom as to how to respond to these threats
c. that those responsible for the killings will be touched by God's love and will repent”

Middle East Concern

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In the last two weeks different prayer leaders have connected, expressing the need for united, focused, global prayers to target the demise of occultic forces working in harmony with the known demonic efforts of George Soros, and the Elitist Global Leaders he serves.

George Soros: the money and mastermind behind the ‘Progressive Madness’

February 15th, 2017 

David Horowitz’s website: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=977

Please take the time to review this compiled, exhaustive report on George Soros; masterfully researched, written expose, by David Horowitz’s brave website: Discover the Networks.

Below are clips from the link above:

George Soros - To the left, he is a hero; a benevolent open wallet to fund the groups, causes and agenda of the progressive elites.  To the right, he is the evil puppet master, funding organizations, causes and events that creep into the fabric of our current culture, destructive and evil…He has an entire life story made up of evil choices, instruction, beliefs and actions.  Find out more about this evil man, his cohorts, his agenda and his methods.  Knowing these things makes us more apt to pray strategically against the enemy–and for release of our nation from the grip of this man’s grand plan and the spirits behind it all.  The battle is spititual–we need to be praying! 

Horowitz  provides keen insights into the worldview underlying Soro’s commitment to funding and propagating his “Open Society’ views globally:

“The term “open society” was originally coined in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Louis Bergson (go to link to learn the rest).

To Soros, “Popper’s greatest contribution to philosophy” was his teaching that “the ultimate truth remains permanently beyond our reach.”

the central contentions of Soros’s Open Society Foundations: the notion that America is institutionally an oppressive nation and a habitual violator of human rights both at home and abroad—indeed, the very antithesis of the type of “open society” Soros reveres.”

SOROS THE PHILANTHROPIST … “My spending rose from $3 million in 1987 to more than $300 million a year by 1992,” Soros said… He happily observed that because of his extraordinary wealth, major political figures “suddenly became very interested in seeing me…. My  influence increased.” Today Soros’s Open Society Foundations are active in more than 70 countries around the world.

OSF’s total assets TODAY exceed $1.9 billion. Each year, the Foundations award scores of millions of dollars in grants to organizations that promote worldviews and objectives accordant with those of George Soros. Organizations that:

 (listed only 6 of the 22 categories Horowitz highlights-with names and descriptions of activities of each entity Soros funds)

  1. that depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites,
  2. that call for massive social change, and for the recruitment and training of activist leaders to help foment that change,
  3. that disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes,
  4. that advance leftist agendas by infiltrating churches and religious congregations,
  5.  that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty,
  6.  that favor global government which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies,

 Prayer Points:

  1. Repent for the sins of the church and your people group – this includes our spiritual and natural fathers (2 Chron. 7:14, Neh. 9:2)
  2. Dedicate all innocent bloodshed to Jesus Christ – this includes abortion, and all wars going back to the civil war (Nullify the demonic ability to use it for occult empowerment of (1) the prayers of witches, wizards, soothsayers and (2) Satan’s human agents, and their movements, organizations or initiatives) (Acts 20:23, 1 Cor.6:20, 7:23, Ezek. 18:14, Ps.24:1, Job 41:11/Heb. 9:22)
  3. Let us unite and stand against the spirit of witchcraft operating through and over the Luciferian Elites, their New World Order (NWO) and all those here in America who are aligned with their plans, of which, George Soros is a primary puppet to execute their ‘schemes and plans’.
  • (Mic. 5:12, Lev. 20:27) “I will cut off witchcrafts andsorceries from your hand,
    And you shall have no more fortune-tellers.
  1. We agree with God and declare any witches, spirits of witchcraft, those who speak or whisper

Incantations, and all other occult practitioners aligned with and protecting the Banking Elites, their financial strength, their NWO; and their primary leadership operating in the United States through George Soros, and his ground troops here in America, have God’s judgment of death upon the spirits they operate under and therefore must flee from their dark places of protection.

Our Father has declared the demise and destruction of your spiritual, physical, and financial strength. Therefore, let it be done on earth just as it has been done in heaven. We declare the enemies of God have been utterly thrust out of their places of safety and have been stripped of their financial strength.

  1. We declare the public defeat of every principality, power, might, dominion, ruler of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Col. 2:15, Eph. 1:19-23, 6:12)

Ps. 17:13  Arise, O Lord, Confront him, cast him down; Deliver my life from the wicked  with Your sword, 

  1. We ask You to arise, O Lord, to confront, cast down, and cast out all that have joined together to attempt to bring down our President, destabilize our cities, states, and nation through witchcraft, anarchy, and rebellious rioting. Deliver the life of our nation from wicked intentions of the crafty schemers demonically empowered by the spirit of Anti-Christ. Let Your warring angels be released to defeat them with the edge of the  sword – Your word.

Psalm 33:10-11 The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation. (NASB)

  1. We declare the Lord has revoked, invalidated, and canceled the counsel and all allegiances of

the banking and corporate elites, the United Nations, and all political parties, groups and

movements that dare to stand against His redemptive purpose for the United States and North

America. We declare Almighty God, Jesus Christ, has frustrated the plans for a New World

Order, the Luciferian Elites, and ground forces plotting to overthrow His governing power and


We declare that the counsel of the Lord stands in power and strength forever and that the plans of His heart will be released through this current administration and will be established for every generation.

In Jesus Name we break the occult shield that surrounds and serves to protect those who hate God and rebel against the rule of His Son, His word, His Spirit, and His will and purpose for His people and America. (Ps. 76:3; Ps 2 )

Finally, let’s ask God to deliver the wealth and riches of wicked into the hands of the righteous.

Prov. 13:22

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

We declare that our God is a is a good and great Father, and that part of His

inheritance for His sons and daughters has been stored up for them by the wicked. We declare

that now is the time for wealth of the wicked to be transferred into the hands of God’s faithful stewards and managers. Let the wealth, riches, and resources be used to advance, promote, and establish God’s kingdom purposes in the earth.

 Thank you for joining with us and other prayer warriors in standing against the enemy’s efforts to cripple our nation, making it vulnerable to Lucifer’s new world order plans. Let’s ask God to unleash His heavenly hosts of angels to take and implement His word against His enemies, the principalities and powers, bringing them to their knees and utterly defeating them. Let’s make our requests known with continual thanksgivingfor all that He will accomplish for His kingdom purposes.

God bless you all,

Three U.S. prayer leaders

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Tuesday, 28 February 2017 11:33


“Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; protect me from men of violence,”  Psa 140:1

 Let’s pray about world peace and the central role Pakistan plays. Eastern side - WAR BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN - Both countries have fought two wars over Kashmir that involves the rights of who controls the water of the five rivers that flow into Pakistan.

Shortly after Pakistan was created the U.N. and the World Bank established the “Indus Treaty.” The rivers first flow through India and then into Pakistan.  India was to get the water from two of the rivers. They are now taking water from all five of the rivers.

Without water the people perish.  The prime ministers in each country have brought this up in recent weeks again and again.  The Indian P.M. has said  several times that he does not care about the Indus Treaty - India will take  all of the water.  Some have referred to the “Zero Line” (where the Indus  River passes through Kashmir) as the biggest potential for World War III.  Both  countries have threatened to go to war using their nuclear weapons; this would  draw in many other countries. Even more alarming is the fact that China is diverting water from the Tibetan plateau for their own use.  Almost half of the  world’s population depends on the water from this plateau.

 (See the following videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtsqwvOJfc   (the last 4 min)


PRAY   For the resolution over the water problems of these two countries.

PRAY for peace between these two countries.

Western side - TERRORIST WAR - AFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN - Terrorism will not be stopped until there is peace between these two countries. Along the border these people are relatives and move back and forth between these two counties with ease.  When NATO was in Afghanistan the terrorists moved and operated out of Pakistan.  When NATO left Afghanistan, Pakistan’s new military commander in chief did a superb job of cleaning out the terrorists on the Pakistani side of the border.  But the majority of the terrorists moved to Afghanistan. Until both governments work together it will be difficult to resolve this.

PRAY both countries will work together to resolve the terrorist issue and bring peace, that affects both countries and the world.

PRAY Pakistan’s new military commander-in-chief will continue to bring down the terrorists.

VISAS – There are still problems for missionaries getting visas.  It seems to be every mission is having trouble throughout the country no matter what kind of work they are doing.  Some have been promised visas even by the prime minister, and then this promise has been broken.  

PRAY for God to intervene and visas to be granted

PRAY for those in this department that are blocking this.

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One of the most powerful combinations for the transformation of our nations is that of prayer and advocacy. Lawyers when filled with the Spirit of God and backed by the prayers of intercessors can do almost anything! Please consider this appeal for a large international coalition of about 30,000 Christian lawyers who are working on issues that will affect us all. They deeply need our prayers for the vital work they are doing. Here is their request for our support:

“In recognition of the need for prayer support of strategic and proven legal professionals engaged in the redemption of legal systems in the nations, coupled with the need for effective prayer warriors to be armed with state of the art intelligence concerning threats and opportunities in the Kingdom, this appeal is made to advance these important dynamics in the body of Christ. We have witnessed powerful outcomes when prayer and strategic action combine, in many nations. As an example, in South Australia, for 8 years not one piece of anti- family legislation passed our parliament because of the grace of God and the cooperation between parliamentarians and faithful intercessors. Just last December, the 15th attempt to introduce euthanasia was miraculously defeated in the same way.

We appeal to the readers to consider whether there is a resonance with the mission and vision of Advocates International reproduced below and a particular region listed below which has a well established leadership.

Once those of you to whom our Lord is speaking have been identified, we can consider how to best match you to the leaders in their physical regions. A segment may be identified of those of you who have a burden to pray in accordance with specific issues such as the sanctity of life or religious freedom, rather than a particular region and this can also be accommodated. Other synergies and combinations may emerge.

 Vision Statement

A worldwide fellowship of advocates bearing witness of Jesus Christ through the legal profession.

Mission Statement

 To encourage equip and enable advocates to meet locally, organize nationally, cooperate regionally, and link globally to protect and promote (i) integrity under rule of law, (ii) peace and reconciliation, (iii) doing justice with compassion, (iv) the sanctity of life, (v) religious freedom, and (vi) the family and community.

Further background can be obtained from advocatesinternational.org

If you are moved by this appeal and want to help support the mission of Advocates International, please contact Brent McBurney This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Mark Mudri This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Tuesday, 28 February 2017 11:07


Not all have been heard or written about what led to the smooth exit of Yahya Jammeh, the erstwhile President of the nation of Gambia, who ruled the tiny African country for twenty-two years, from 1995. The peaceful exit of Yahya Jammeh still remains a surprise in a continent known for turbulent elections and “sits tight” presidents.  

Unknown to many, for five consecutive years, beginning from 2011 to 2015, leading to the Jubilee celebration of the nation of Gambia, corporate prayers were held by the Church for the peace, stability and progress of the nation. It is my view, as one who actively participated in those prayers, the peaceful exit of Yahya Jammeh without any gunshot and any soul lost, could not have been but for the corporate prayers which were made for the nation from 2011 till date. No doubt, international diplomacy brought tremendous pressure on Jammeh, but behind the scene prayers were made starting from 2011. What eventually happened 21st January 2017, was God's intervention in response to prayers. 

Engineer Chinedu Meribole has been a missionary to the Gambia for over 25 years. After graduating in civil engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he answered the call of God in 1986 and was sent to the Gambia as a missionary. For years, he had carried the burden of that nation reaching out to the unreached peoples with the gospel.  For five consecutive years, before the Jubilee celebration of Gambia on 18th February, 2015, he held prayer seminars under the theme A NEW DAWN, and mobilized the Church in Gambia to pray to experience full spiritual Jubilee, not knowing what lay ahead of the nation. The peaceful exit of Yahya Jammeh from the stage without any blood bath was a political Jubilee of some sort. Indeed a New Dawn has come to Gambia.

Prior to the elections held on the 2nd of December, 2016 which saw the emergence of Adama Barrow, Gambia has been the most peaceful West African nation. The beautiful Gambian beaches are daily full of tourists especially from the months of January to April of each year. Though one of the most poorest nations in Africa, her main export is groundnut, yet the nation boasts of having one of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in African which makes her a tourist attraction. What strikes a visitor is the security and the low crime rate of the nation. Visit the nation and you will see tourists roaming the streets and surrounding villages with their families as late as midnight. Credit must go to Jammeh for the low crime rate, but at the same time, he is responsible for the poor economic development of the country that has given rise to its having the highest rate of migration of youths in the African continent.

The aphorism that "when we work, we work, but when we pray God works" is exemplified in the Gambia political situation. Gambia is a testimony of the ability of the Church to unite in corporate prayers and prevail in politics. After 22 years of misrule, Yahya Jammeh finally fled the country looting the nation's treasury, and leaving the poor nation bankrupt. We must however, continue to pray for the success of the new President, Adama Barrow. We must pray that the bug of corruption and political misrule that has plagued African nations for decades will not inflict him. We must pray for him to maintain religious tolerance. Jammeh had declared Gambia an Islamic State. Barrow has started well by reversing that declaration. Prayer works even in the politics of a nation!



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Dear Prayer or Mission Leader,

We have almost reached our full registration for the Herrnhut consultation in May. There are some places still left for those who lead prayer networks or mission endeavors. You are invited to a special time of convergence as key ministry leaders gather from around the world! We want to more closely and effectively connect the prayer and mission movements for the final push to the accomplishment of Matthew 24:14, that everyone may hear and “that the Lamb may receive the due reward for His suffering.” (Moravians’ prayer and mission motto). 

The International Prayer Council is a team of 25 leaders of major regional and international prayer initiatives and movements, who together lead the “network of networks” known as International Prayer Connect. We have decided to invite those who lead prayer networks and ministries at the national, regional or international level to come together along with key mission leaders for a unique time in the presence of the Lord. We will unite in prayer, learn from one another, and plan strategies for closer cooperation in the international prayer and mission movements. The Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham, Washington, led by Jason Hubbard has close ties with the Jesus Haus in Herrnhut and has graciously agreed to help us organize this gathering. Ms. Jamie Frey, one of his colleagues will be assisting us with the administration and registration process.

This will be the first time we have met in this way since the launch of the IPC. This “network of prayer networks” around the world was conceived just after 9/11 in 2001 near “Ground Zero” and formally launched by international prayer leadership in 2002 in Cape Town, South Africa. That gathering of almost 300 prayer network and ministry leaders was called “Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”. It was an inspiring, magnificent time of connecting with one another in His presence, establishing relationships and regional networks that continue to be used by God to bring transformation to our world. This is the link to the video if you have not seen it. IPC Prayer Globalizing Prayer Transforming Our World https://youtu.be/5ZYVFLML1sU

May 8-12, 2017, we will re-gather, this time at Herrnhut, the Moravian center for prayer and mission in southeast Germany. It was the site of the 1727 revival that ignited a 24/7 prayer chain which was used of God to send out the first Protestant missionaries to the unreached peoples around the world. Prayer and mission were joined together intimately and powerfully!

  1. For this reason, we plan to include some cutting-edge mission leaders who can share the status of mission to the unreached peoples of our day along with up to date information and research so that we can move towards a closer, more integrated linking of the prayer and mission movements. That is a crucial step to bringing back the King. Jesus said that He would not return until all the nations (ethne = ethnic groups) have had the gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed as a witness to them (Matthew 24:14). It is therefore critical that these movements connect more deeply and purposefully.
  1. A related emphasis will be on strategic-level prayer for the overthrow of strongholds that hinder people from seeing the light of the glory of Christ, barriers both to the spread of the Gospel and social and political transformation in favor of His Kingdom values.
  1. We will also give a major focus to the Next Generation, the raising up of youth and children through prayer for their unique missions in life and featuring those initiatives that specialize in this kind of ministry.
  1. There will be times of waiting on the Lord together with a prophetic sensitivity to what He is saying to the prayer movement of our day and how we can move forward together into that desired future He has for us as co-workers in Christ. We will learn about various models of prayer ministry that He is blessing around the world and will have time to develop strategic plans together as He leads, much as we did at the launch of the IPC.

 If you lead a prayer or mission network at the national, regional or international level, please do pray about coming to Herrnhut, May 8-12, and register immediately so you will get a place. We will fly into Prague, the Czech Republic, and have buses arranged to take us to southeast Germany where Herrnhut is located.

Good and comfortable accommodations are available and have been booked, but there is just room for 120 participants in this picturesque German town. Please, therefore, do not procrastinate about registering or your space will be taken by someone else. The total cost for transport from and back to Prague, accommodation (twin-sharing) and food will be $265 per person.

For more information: www.prayerandmission.com

To register:  www.prayerandmission.com/registration

Registration will close on March 10

Contact/Questions: Ms. Jamie Frey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to a life, ministry, and history-changing encounter with the Lord and one another and hope you can be with us in Herrnhut.                              

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