
Displaying items by tag: Africa

Friday, 27 April 2018 00:25

Tunisia: potential for change

There are many Christian ministries in Tunisia but only one officially recognised Christian body, a training ministry called the Augustine Association, which managed to get registration during the upheaval of the Arab Spring. Christians mostly gather for worship in homes, but some are too fearful of persecution to attend such meetings. After many postponements, municipal elections will be held on 6 May. Tunisian Christians ask for God’s hand to be over these elections so that their country will once again become a blessing for the whole region, as it was in the days of the early Church. The media reported that over 75% of the registered candidates are under the age of 45, with over 50% under 35. The high number of young fresh politicians running for election for the first time came as a shock to the political parties and blocs, and indicates potential changes in the coming years. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:21

Niger: ministry through medicine

Statistics state that on average every woman in Niger has 7.5 children, and almost 50% of these are currently under five and malnourished. Over 1.5 million people were affected by food insecurity last year, and millions more experience food shortage during every lean season. A Christian Aid ministry partner established a medical clinic for children and maternity services. Their work is reaching eleven villages and providing nutrition and immunisations to around 450,000 people. Another major project conducted by the ministry is sharing the hope of Christ and planting churches. Currently only about 1% of the population is Christian, but addressing people’s physical needs opens doors to minister. As the people see how loving and kind the ministry workers are, they listen to the Gospel truth and are told how much Jesus loves them. Workers are ambassadors in Christ at all times, in all situations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 22:34

Switzerland: Congo aid conference

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) boycotted a UN donor conference in Geneva that was seeking to raise £1.2bn for the country. Over 13 million Congolese need humanitarian aid. It is a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. Aid agencies say 4.5 million people have been forced from their homes by violence, hunger and instability. Tens of thousands of Congolese have sought refuge in western Uganda. DRC is rich in mineral and other resources, but is affected by armed conflicts, corruption and a political crisis. In the past two years, more people have been displaced in DRC than in any other country. Many believe the international community is ignoring the crisis, where two million children are at risk of starvation.

Published in Europe

Last month, Archbishop Justin Welby offered to do what he could towards peace negotiations in Nigeria as violence escalates. Last week we reported that Justin, ‘once again exhorted President Buhari and other authorities, civil and religious, national and international, to build a coalition to end violence immediately.’ On 11 April, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and High Commissioner George-Oguntade met Archbishop Welby and the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Josiah Idowu-Fearon, in London to discuss ‘inter-religious harmony in Nigeria and the world’. Pray that their efforts will end the suffering resulting from raids on Christian communities and villages as far south as Delta State. May their discussions lead to God-inspired actions against escalating violence in Nigeria, and the end of the suffering of the poor. President Buhari will have more meetings in London ahead of next week’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

Published in Worldwide

In January Archbishop Justin Welby tweeted his sadness about the killings and displacements in Nigeria. Writing to the country’s primate, Nicholas Okoh, he offered to contribute towards negotiating peace. He has now repeated that offer, saying, ‘My condolences go to those who have lost loved ones and property. I urge the authorities to seek for ways to ameliorate their sufferings and losses. I call on all people of goodwill to continue to pray for the peace of Nigeria. I mourn with this great country and stand with them in prayer. I once again exhort President Buhari and other authorities, civil and religious, national and international, to build a coalition to end this violence immediately.’ Since January 175,000 people have been displaced by fighting in Benue State and are now living in refugee camps.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:20

Nigeria: Christian girl defies Boko Haram

Last week we praised God for the release of 104 Dapchi school girls by Boko Haram. Five of the 110 girls died and were buried in the bush. What happened to the other girl? Her name is Leah Sharibu, and she defied Boko Haram by refusing to renounce her Christian faith! She is still in captivity. Her father, Nathan Sharibu, said, ‘They gave her the option of converting in order to be released, but she said she will never become a Muslim. I am very sad, but I'm also praising God because my daughter did not renounce Christ.’ Leah sent a message asking her family ‘to pray for the will of God to be done in my life’. What bravery, what faith, what a testimony to the world! One lone Christian girl among 110 defies the abominable Boko Haram. What will happen to her? President Buhari has been asked to ‘uphold the tenets and principles of the Nigerian constitution’. We must pray!

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:11

Cameroon: challenges for prayer

Mission networking in Cameroon is bearing fruit through evangelical cooperation to reach the unconverted. Please pray for three initiatives: 1) Christian Missionary Fellowship International has remarkable ministries in prayer, missions and publishing, all having a global impact. 2) Cameroon for Christ, launched in 1996, involves many denominations and churches in research and evangelism of the 2,400 villages of the north. 3) Mission BINAM targets the idol-worshippers of West Cameroon, especially the Bamiléké, and is very active in evangelism as it trains researchers for church and mission needs. Please pray also for the restless young people who are frustrated by high unemployment and cheating, bribery and favouritism in the education system. Many turn to crime and prostitution, and violent demonstrations are occurring. Cameroon has never before dealt with such disruptions. Also Christians in the north are under increasing pressure from Muslims.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:32

Nigeria: many girls released

According to an ongoing headcount, 100 of the school girls abducted by militants from their boarding school in Dapchi on 19 February were ‘dropped off’ at about 7:30 am on 21 March. Their release was unconditional. ‘Dapchi is full of joy,’ said Mohammed Mdada. He said the militants apologised to some of the girls’ parents in their language, Kanuri, and shook their hands before driving off. They said that if they had known the girls were Muslim they wouldn’t have abducted them. Some reports say that Christian girls had not been released. Amnesty International said four girls are still missing. The terrorists warned the girls to stay away from school, adding that if they returned and found any girls in school they’d abduct them again and never give them back. Although parents are rejoicing, it can be seen that the girls have suffered and are in a poor state.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:21

CAR: church elder and aid workers killed

Gabriel Ole, an elder in Bangui Baptist church, worked for UNICEF. He was killed in a violent ambush in the Central African Republic (CAR), along with two officials from the ministry of education and three UNICEF workers travelling to Markounda near the north-western border with Chad. Some of the victims were shot dead, others had their throats slit. Their car was torched. CAR’s prime minister, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, honoured the victims during his visit on 6 March when he said, ‘School is the key to developing a country. Any attack against teachers is a crime against the education of our children’. Pray for an end to senseless acts against aid workers who are only there to improve the lives of vulnerable people. Pray for those mourning the loss of loved ones.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 March 2018 09:59

Burkina Faso: attack by Islamist terrorists

Arriving in pickup trucks and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, suspected Islamist terrorists in coordinated attacks struck both the French embassy and the army headquarters in Burkina Faso's capital on 2 March. There was great confusion, especially near the embassy, and gunfire continued until midday. At least 90 were wounded in the attacks. Five of the extremists were killed near the embassy, and three others near the army headquarters. Landlocked Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in Africa, shares a border with Mali where Islamic terrorism has been an ongoing threat. President Macron of France visited the country three months ago: it is a former French colony, and has not experienced the same level of violence as some of its neighbours. So far no group has claimed responsibility; it could be an organised group or local insurgents. Please pray for all the wounded to experience complete healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Published in Worldwide