Displaying items by tag: Africa
Nigeria: environmental threat to families
Caught in a Niger Delta downpour, a woman runs for shelter. The plastic bottles of homemade petrol she was selling are beaten off their wooden perch by the heavy rain. The smell of petrol rises from the ground and hangs in the air before being washed down a lane past small concrete houses. There is little research into human health issues from exposure to oil spills on land. Oil seeps into the soil, the air and the water table, releasing harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene. Benzene is a poison, while toluene can cause kidney and liver damage. ‘Our farming area is always deep with oil, when you go there you can recognise the odour,’ says Chief Bira Saturday. He has suffered from asthma since a spill. ‘The doctor said it was the odour of this oil that we are breathing that damaged the baby in my womb’, his wife added.
Ethiopia to release political prisoners
In a surprise move, Hailemariam Desalegn, the Ethiopian prime minister, has announced the release of political prisoners and the closure of a notorious detention centre, allegedly used as a torture chamber. He said the move was designed to allow political dialogue. It is still unclear exactly who will be released or when it will happen. Ethiopia is accused by rights groups of using mass arrests to stifle opposition. Amnesty International welcomed Mr Hailemariam's announcement, saying it could signal ‘the end of an era of bloody repression in Ethiopia’.
Morocco: hundreds of protesters still in prison
Activists in a Casablanca prison keep having their court cases postponed. They are affiliated to Hirak, a protest movement that emerged in October 2016 after a fish vendor was crushed to death by a truck as he tried to retrieve fish that authorities had confiscated. See Since that article, however, the government has acknowledged Hirak’s grievances - better infrastructure, jobs and health-care - but hundreds of protesters remain behind bars, 54 of them accused of threatening the internal security of the state. Authorities are also trying seven reporters who covered the protests and commented on religion and religious freedom. The official response to Hirak's demands was to propose building roads, hospitals, and a cancer treatment centre (Moroccans have a high incidence of the disease). When the national human rights council reported human rights violations and torture, the justice minister announced an investigation, but no follow-up has been made public.
Nigeria fighting Fulani
‘I watched Fulani kill and burn homes with glee. Numan region belongs to us. If the government cannot protect us, then we will protect our land and our heritage. It is all we have to hand on to our children’, said Pwanedo Justin after fleeing his village. The government’s inability to address the plight of Christians, and policies where Muslim victims are given priority over Christian ones, have deepened the sense of injustice. This recent attack was a reaction to a massacre in three villages by Bachama youths. Bachama are predominantly Christian. The Fulani are heavily armed with sophisticated weapons, which are believed to come from outside Nigeria. Thousands were displaced and are now missing. These attacks remain the single most dangerous threat to Nigeria today. On 19 December the federal government announced it will spend $1bn on fighting insurgency.
Egypt: 2018 election
Ever since former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq said he would run in the 2018 presidential election, many are speculating about his ability to win. Egypt’s religious institutions influence presidential candidates, and journalists supporting President al-Sisi have focused on the ties that Shafiq has with the Salafist Dawa Party and its political arm. The Salafi movement is ultra-conservative Sunni Islam. If Shafiq mobilises the only remaining influential religious blocs of Salafist Dawa and the Copts, his candidacy in the upcoming election might produce a repeat of 2012, when two strong candidates, Shafiq and Morsi, competed against each other. In those elections the Copts supported Shafiq out of fear that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood would win. It is difficult for the largest Coptic bloc not to vote for al-Sisi, who they believe has protected them by overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood.
Libya: slave trade
Recently CNN showed West African refugees in Libya being held by smugglers, mistreated, and sold ‘like cattle’ for £300. Also, Al Jazeera has reported that migrants are being traded in Libyan garages and car parks. Refugees from Nigeria, Senegal and the Gambia are captured as they head north towards Libya's coast to catch boats for Italy. So far public pressure has convinced France and Spain’s foreign ministers to speak out, which has caused the Libyan government to investigate. Pray for more media coverage of trafficking for the watching world to see and for more leaders to speak out and take action against it. The UN support mission is ‘actively pursuing the matter with the Libyan authorities’. However, rights advocates caution that real action may be slow in coming.
Zimbabwe: church leaders call for prayer
The country’s leaders of different denominations say Zimbabwe is between a crisis and a kairos opportunity. They are calling for prayer for, peace, respect for human dignity, a transitional government of national unity, and national dialogue. Their statement said, ‘The nation’s challenge is one of a loss of trust in the legitimacy of national processes. There is a strong sense that the hard-earned constitution is not being taken seriously. The wheels of democracy have become stuck in the mud of personalised politics where the generality of the citizenry plays an insignificant role, but we see the current arrangement as an opportunity for the birth of a new nation.’ The World Council of Churches is asking churches around the world to pray for Zimbabwe to embrace change and move forward without vengeance.
Egypt: mosque attack
The village where 305 worshippers were killed by Salafi militants on 24th November had been warned against hosting Sufi gatherings. Salafi Muslims follow an ultra-conservative Islam and believe Sufis are heretics. This attack, the worst in Egypt’s history, was the security forces’ second failure in five weeks, following 50+ policemen being killed in a Muslim Brotherhood militants’ hideout. After that incident President el-Sisi demoted his army chief of staff. Washington told el-Sisi that the Egyptian security forces’ preparedness was clumsy and predictable, saying that in the fight against terror and guerrilla groups quicker action is needed, combining precise intelligence and commando forces. The Egyptians are still very far from employing advanced methods; they responded to the attacks by bombing IS vehicles.
Uganda: Over 9,000 drop out after registering for PLE (Primary Leaving Examination)
Uganda: Over 9,000 drop out after registering for PLE (Primary Leaving Examination)
Pupils who pass their PLE exam can progress to secondary school. Primary school tuition is free but pupils, especially in rural areas, face serious challenges to finishing their education. They lack books and pens, often having to study all day on an empty stomach since no meals are provided at school, and schools often have poor teaching methods. Information obtained from Uganda National Examinations Board website indicate that out of 333,482 pupils who registered for PLE from 2010 to 2016, a total of 9,320 did not sit. A government official said, ‘Grazing livestock is one of the major reasons for the school dropout.’ The other reasons keeping children out of school, he said, are poverty, underage marriage, trading, tea picking, stone quarrying and mining. However he said they have engaged parish chiefs, sub-county chiefs and chairpersons of school management committees to arrest parents of children who are removed from school See also https://www.theguardian.com/katine/2010/feb/08/education-system-explainer
Zimbabwe: Celebrations - then what?
On the 22nd November, when President Mugabe resigned, celebrations on the streets resembled scenes inside a stadium after a soccer world cup victory. Like many Sub Saharan Africa countries, Zimbabwe’s population is young, 60% of the population is under 25 and 70% have known no other president. His successor Mr Mnangagwa, when minister for national security, was notorious for overseeing the the brutal 1983 campaign against supporters of Mugabe rival Joshua Nkomo. It became known as ‘Matabeleland massacres’. Between 10,000 and 20,000 Ndebele people died during the civil conflict, which involved the Zimbabwean Fifth Brigade, equipped and trained by North Korea. Mnangagwa is rumoured to have amassed a sizeable fortune, been involved in developing Harare diamond trading and was targeted by US sanctions early 2000, for undermining democratic development in Zimbabwe. He was also investigated by the UN for exploitation of mineral resources in Congo. Pray that his succession is not a continuation of the corrupt status quo.