
Displaying items by tag: Africa

Friday, 03 March 2017 10:09

South Africa: intercession momentum

From March to May intercessors will be praying for healing for the 'heart' of South Africa, focusing on reconciliation and deep-rooted pain and animosity harboured there. Since January, intercessors have prayed for the deep-seated emotions harboured against others, stemming from events in the past. In March many will continue to go to God with expectant hearts, asking Him to reveal any form of sin that affects others. Also, from 18 to 20 March, teens and youth leaders will unite in a dynamic programme of talks, worship, multi-media platforms, spiritual-encounter stations, workshops, discussions, counselling, fellowship and fun. The event is called #imagine and aims to see radical change by placing those who will lead in twenty years' time on the right spiritual path now. Three events,with the same content, will take place simultaneously in the Western Cape, Gauteng and the Eastern Cape. We can join the intercessors: see

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Friday, 03 March 2017 10:04

Gambia: new president - new era?

As previously reported (see Prayer Alert 17 February), Gambia's new president Adama Barrow has announced that the country will no longer officially be called an Islamic republic, reversing the decision made by his predecessor. Christians have been experiencing violence from Islamist mobs attempting to enforce Islamic dress codes. There are now encouraging signs that Barrow, a Muslim, will begin an era of positive relations with the Christian minority (5-8% of the population) - a courageous step away from the Islamist agenda promoted by Gambia’s previous president.

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Friday, 03 March 2017 09:46

Sudan: Christian aid workers need freedom

Czechoslovakian aid worker Petr Jašek, who had been sentenced to 24 years in a Sudanese prison, was released when 400,000+ people signed a petition for his release. However, pastor Hassan Abduelraheem Kodi and student Abdulmonem Abdumawla are still serving their twelve years behind bars. Christian Solidarity Worldwide said Jašek's release was good news, but the others are Sudanese nationals and are not represented in the same way.

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Tuesday, 28 February 2017 13:48

Pray for justice

In a recent operation in Ghana, 24 young boys were rescued from slavery and finally set free. The boys, the youngest only 7-years-old, had been forced to work on fishing boats on Lake Volta, diving into the deep water to untangle nets for their masters. The dangerous and exhausting work was made worse by violent abuse, starvation and sleep deprivation. IJM and the Ghanaian authorities worked together to free the boys and arrest 16 suspected boat masters. The boys received urgent medical attention, with three needing to go to hospital to be treated for malaria. IJM staff are now working to settle the boys into aftercare homes and start the journey of healing. Find out more here.

  • Praise God for the successful rescue of the boys and arrest of the slave owners, and pray that this would be the first of many more, with God’s favour for our investigative team as they seek to find more boys to be rescued.
  • Pray for continued healing for the boys - both physically from their injuries and emotionally from the abuse they have suffered. Pray that they would know God’s love and comfort as they move into aftercare homes.
  • Pray that IJM’s relationship with the Ghanaian authorities would continue to strengthen and develop, as we work together to stop child slavery in Ghana.
  • Pray for our legal teams as they begin legal proceedings against the 16 suspects. Pray that God’s justice would be done and that those who freely abuse and exploit young boys would no longer be able to continue.

Source: International Justice Mission

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It has been six years since the world had a famine, but now UNICEF report that nearly 1.4 million children are at ‘imminent risk’ of death from famines in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. The World Food Programme says over 20 million lives are at risk in the next six months. Time is running out. Famine was formally declared on Monday in parts of South Sudan, mired in civil war since 2013. The conflict has split the country along ethnic lines, leading the UN to warn of potential genocide. South Sudan has also been hit by the same east African drought as Somalia, where six years ago 260,000 people starved to death. A World Food Programme report said, ‘By 2050, climate change and erratic weather patterns will have pushed another 24 million children into hunger. Almost half of these children will live in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Friday, 17 February 2017 09:04

Ghana: young boys rescued on Lake Volta

Twenty-four boys used their small bodies every day to dive into the deep water of the lake to untangle nets for their masters. It was dangerous, back-breaking work, made worse by violent abuse, lack of food and sleep. Early in the morning of 24 January, International Justice Mission  and Ghanaian authorities prepared for a rescue operation. Eight boats launched off the shores to look for the boys. A spokesman said, ‘When we found them, most were scared - they didn’t know what was happening.’ As they were pulled into the boats, the Ghanaian commander instructed his unit to arrest the suspected boatmasters, sixteen in all.

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Friday, 17 February 2017 08:53

Gambia no longer to be called Islamic

Gambia’s new president, Adama Barrow, has announced that the country will no longer officially be called an Islamic republic, reversing the decision made by his predecessor in 2015. There had been encouraging signs that Barrow, a Muslim who was a successful property developer before running for office, would begin a new era of positive relations with the country’s Christian minority. But this courageous announcement appears to signal a significant step away from the Islamist agenda promoted by Gambia’s previous president.

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A Zimbabwean pastor who criticised his government has been detained after flying back to the country. Evan Mawarire, who left the country last year in fear for his life, was arrested at Harare International Airport. He first came to fame last April when he went on Facebook wrapped in a Zimbabwean flag complaining about the state of the nation. It sparked a #ThisFlag protest movement against the leadership of the country. In July, protesters staged a national ‘shutdown’ which led to a complete closure of schools, businesses and shops across the country. It was the biggest strike action since 2005. Mr Mawarire was arrested and charged with inciting public violence, but a court ruled that police had violated his rights and released him. He left the country soon after, and had been in the US for about six months. At the airport, Mr Mawarire ‘was escorted into another room by three men even before he went through immigration or customs’, his sister Telda said. It is reported that he was then taken to a police station in the centre of Harare.

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Friday, 10 February 2017 10:29

Drought grips East Africa

‘Children have dropped out of school due to hunger; pregnant women and the elderly are the most affected. Cattle, which are the only source of livelihood, are dying, and the remaining ones are stolen by bandits,’ cries a Kenyan pastor in East Pokot, where the last rainfall was in June 2016. From nearby Marsabit, Pastor Jeremiah Omar reports that 70% of the livestock are already dead from drought - a disaster for the many nomadic communities. The food crisis is escalating, not only in Kenya but also in northern Uganda, which has absorbed over half a million refugees from South Sudan since last July, mostly women and children. Many are widows, or do not know what has happened to their husbands. Many people have very little apart from their clothes they are wearing. Freak weather and drought, due to the El Niño climatic effect, have caused a catastrophic situation. There will be no relief until June at the earliest, and then only if the rains come at the right time. An added problem in Kenya is that many of the worst-affected areas - in the north and the coastal region - are the areas where Christians are a despised, marginalised and oppressed minority amongst a Muslim majority.

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Friday, 10 February 2017 10:18

Somalia: a new president is elected

On Wednesday Somalia's presidential elections took place, with over twenty candidates to choose from. In a surprise result, former prime minister Hassan Sheikh Mohamud decisively defeated the incumbent president. It is the first time since the 1991 overthrow of President Said Barre that a new leader has been chosen inside the country; the UN sees this as a sign of improving security. The election, in Mogadishu airport (considered the safest place in the city), went ahead under close security against the militant group al-Shabaab, which had recently carried out several attacks in the capital. Mr Mohamud is a professor and activist who has worked for several peace and development organisations including Unicef. It remains to be seen if his election will make any difference for the small, secret community of Somali Christians. They face extreme persecution from their communities and tribes. If their faith is discovered, followers of Christ could be murdered on the spot. Al-Shabaab has stated publicly that it 'wants Somalia free of all Christians'. According to Open Doors, the country is tdhe second-most dangerous in the world for Christians. See:

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