British Isles
A national day of prayer and action for the global pandemic of coronavirus has been organised for this Sunday. The organisers are Archbishop Justin Welby, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Revd Dr Hugh Osgood (the Free Churches Moderator),…
Coronavirus is now a pandemic. Our government is taking various measures to reduce social contact and contain those infected. Newspaper editors are urged to avoid spreading panic. Jesus told his disciples, ‘I tell you, do not…
Just 1 in 4 UK GPs are satisfied with the time they can give to patients. Appointment times are among the shortest of eleven high-income countries surveyed by the Health Foundation, painting a picture of high…
Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis has been warned by campaign group Right to Life that if the government introduces abortion that surpasses what is legally required, the group will take legal action. The current proposals would…
Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his first Budget in the House of Commons on 11 March. Parts of it appear to have been written at the last minute as coronavirus spreads across the nation. His spending plans…
The Archbishop of Canterbury suggests the following items for prayer on Sunday 15 March in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: a) For the work of the Holy Spirit in drawing people to faith in Christ. b)…