British Isles
Reza Karkah, is an Iranian Christian living in Bradford with his wife Leigh and four-year-old daughter Bonnie. His bid for asylum has been rejected twice and he faces imprisonment, torture and separation from his English wife…
Last year increased generosity from the public to food banks kept pace with the increased need for emergency food for people locked into poverty through benefit delays. Universal Credit is not the only payment with which…

Church renewal

28 Feb 2020
In February 2019 the Church of England took a historic decision to have a loving, worshipping Christian community on every significant estate in England. That means offering enhanced support to existing churches and finding ways of…
The Bishop-designate of Doncaster hosted a Wall of Hope in the cathedral over a three day period last year and was ‘overwhelmed’ by people’s response when over 10,000 people visited the wall to post a prayer.…

Flood prevention

21 Feb 2020
More rain is falling on flood-hit communities, adding to fears that rising river levels might overwhelm flood defences. By 20 February 1,400 homes and businesses were affected by floods following Storm Dennis, and 120 flood warnings…
In 2019 ‘Living Lent’ was produced by the Methodist Church, the Church of Scotland, the Baptist Union and the United Reformed Church. It continues in 2020, inviting Christians to make radical changes for the climate during…