British Isles
Some say Labour could capitalise on the Brexit delay and sweep into power, with Leave-supporting voters turning their backs on the Conservatives over the Brexit interruption. Labour would then become the largest party in the Commons,…
Melissa Caslake, an executive director of children’s services in London who supported children affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, has become the first permanent director of safeguarding for the Church of England. Bishop Peter Hancock said…
Waves of prayer continue to rise for the governance of God’s Kingdom to be in Brexit debates and decisions. On 10 April the EU summit in Brussels pressed a restart button for a possible further six…

Passion plays

11 Apr 2019
A thousand years ago, the Church realised how powerful drama could be in communicating gospel truths, and started a tradition of mystery plays, portraying the whole Bible story. Passion plays - focussing on Jesus’ suffering, death,…
Responding to recent publicity about knife crime and its devastating consequences, British churches, Christian charities, and voluntary organisations worked jointly to host Standing Together, a public rally against knife crime and youth violence, in Trafalgar Square…
Barnet Council has applied to the High Court for an injunction to shut down Heathside Preparatory School, which charges between £9,000 and £18,000 a year and intends expanding to a new Hampstead site. The school is…