British Isles
Tell MAMA supports victims of anti-Muslim hatred, and also measures and monitors anti-Muslim incidents. It highlights the rise in instances of harassment or abuse online, being targeted on public transport, being physically attacked, having property damaged,…
A House of Lords committee has been considering the effectiveness of the Bribery Act. It concludes that, although it is an effective piece of legislation, there is a danger that any future discussions around it could…
An Iranian man seeking refuge in the UK has had his claim refused by the Home Office who wrote to say that his decision to convert to what he described as ‘peaceful’ Christianity and to leave…
Currently the draft Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Regulation is going through Parliament. Parents opposing the government’s proposals to impose RSE on children as young as four are now joined by Barnabas Fund and others to…
Many are asking, ‘How can we pray for an orderly solution to Brexit when the leaders of our nations appear to be tirelessly holding opposing forceful opinions?’ Now is the time to ask God to replace…
The National Secular Society (NSS) claims that 12,000+ charities exist solely to promote religion, with some using public money to promote extremism and harmful practices, and calls for the advancement of religion to be removed from…