British Isles
On 14 February another round of talks between the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Féin ended without practical steps forward. Northern Ireland secretary of state Karen Bradley said she will consider ‘practical steps’ after the…
Christians hold back from getting involved in mission because of misconceptions, a survey has found. On 15 February, Church Mission Society (CMS) revealed that the top four mission myths are: ‘Mission means we have to save…
Sir Ed Davey put the ‘Homelessness End of Life Care Bill’ before Parliament on Wednesday, but it will need to win the support of MPs and ministers to move forward and end the current situation where…
In the wake of an announcement that the UK is to clamp down on rich foreigners, a number of Russian oligarchs have reportedly asked the Kremlin if they can return to their country without being arrested.…
Every Tuesday lunchtime, a service in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in Westminster gives people an opportunity for reflection in the midst of a busy and demanding parliamentary life. On 6 March the theme will…
A draft section of the UK and EU withdrawal agreement, reflecting the EU’s stated directives (yet to be finalised), was leaked to the media. It said that the EU wants to restrict the UK's access to…