British Isles
Ex-army colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon became a volunteer in Syria and said, ‘I’ve never seen anything as horrific as what is going on in Ghouta. Its starving people live underground in cellars, caves and tunnels. Three…
Following a meeting with the Prime Minister, the former education secretary, Justine Greening, left the Government, to be succeeded by Damian Hinds. The women and equalities portfolio will be held by Amber Rudd. These changes will…
Theresa May has appointed Tracey Crouch, the minister for sport and civil society, to head a government-wide group with responsibility for policies connected to loneliness. She will implement one of the main recommendations of a report…
There are around 13.8 million 18-34 year olds who fall into the category of millennials. The Church Army is releasing guidance on how to evangelise millennials as we face a lack of young people in the…
Lord Farmer, a committed Christian, has called for the appointment creation of a ‘minister for family breakdown’ to tackle the huge problems facing the nation. He grew up in a chaotic family with alcoholic parents but…
There are 13,000 slaves in Britain. Many argue there are many more. Those who escape suffer post-traumatic stress disorders. Many fear the police. Trust is so eroded that some are afraid to engage with charities. P…