British Isles
As Muslims worldwide continue to observe Ramadan, praying for a revelation from heaven, and praying daily that they will know the ‘Right Way’, join with millions of Christians who will also be praying each day -…
Our election has resulted in a hung parliament and the prospect of a minority government - so there is all the more reason to pray. ‘Father, we ask You to bless our new Government, so that…
Churches across Britain are being asked to ‘adopt’ care homes to provide comfort and succour to lonely dementia sufferers. When former nurse Tina English had a vision of churches across Britain adopting care homes to alleviate…
The jihadists’ fetish for anniversaries should not go unnoticed. The barbarity on 3 June in London was four years to the day after Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder by terrorists. Haras Rafiq of the Quilliam Foundation (an…
Islamist groups in Britain are undermining the fight against terrorism by peddling ‘myths’ about the government’s key anti-radicalisation policy, according to the country’s most prominent Muslim lawyer. Nazir Afzal, a former chief crown prosecutor, warned that…
The Church of England will vote in July on creating a ‘baptism-style’ service for congregants who have changed their sex. The proposed service will celebrate the person’s transition from one sex to another. Transgender priest Rev…