British Isles
There are three weeks to go to the election: campaigning, slogans, soundbites, personal attacks, and sensational headlines rather than policies and manifesto commitments. However, Hebrews 12:1b-2a says, ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out…
There are certain critical issues that quickly reveal whether a society recognises or rejects the reality that we are made in God’s image and pursue God’s values. It is vital that Christians speak out on them,…
engaGE17 has launched a database of MP voting records on key concerns. People just need to type in their postcode to find out how their MP voted on crucial issues relating to life, family and justice…
The General Election is an excellent opportunity to put the cause of persecuted Christians on the agenda of your election candidates - and ultimately your future MP. You can do this by asking a question about…
Rev Gavin Ashenden (featured in a Prayer Alert article on 5 May about a controversy over the Qu’ran being read in church) responded to a survey showing that one in four British adults who consider themselves…
How amazing that the Lord chose Mary, possibly as young as 14 or 15 years old, to be the mother of Jesus. God in fragile human form in the hands of a teenager! In turn, Jesus…