British Isles
On Wednesday a British-born man, Khalid Masood, drove a car along the pavement on Westminster Bridge, knocking down, injuring and killing pedestrians. He then ran towards Parliament and fatally stabbed an unarmed policeman. Armed security police…
‘Passion for the Nation’ circulated this prayer yesterday, in response to the terror attack at Westminster: ‘Lord, we speak Your healing, comfort and strength to every person injured in the Westminster attack and to the relatives…
Nicola Sturgeon has called for 'indyref2'; Theresa May indicated it wouldn’t happen in the time frame. Holyrood’s debate on Wednesday, with a vote scheduled for 5:30 pm to ask the UK Government to agree to a…
MSPs snubbed calls to terminate their debate on independence after the terrorist attack at Westminster. At 3.30pm Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser asked for the debate to be suspended, prompting groans from the SNP benches. His request…
Across the UK the Christian pro-life campaign, 40 Days for Life, is gaining momentum showing communities the consequences of abortion. Meanwhile Parliament is calling for the decriminalisation of abortion, without specifying any restrictions - allowing abortion…
Social media technology is responsible for an entire industry. But how does social media affect real-life relationships? Radio took 38 years to reach one million users; TV took 13 years; Facebook added 200 million users in…