British Isles
On Tuesday Bristol magistrates convicted two Christian preachers of public order offences, many believing they rode roughshod over principles of freedom of speech. They imposed a fine and costs on each of them, totalling £2,016. The…
‘Sex and relationships’ education is to be made compulsory in all schools in England. All children from the age of four will be taught about safe and healthy relationships. Children will also be taught, at an…
Anglo-American relations have encompassed many complex dealings through wars and competition for world markets. Since 1940 they have been military allies enjoying a ‘special relationship’ as wartime allies, and NATO partners. However petitions calling for a…
18- to 35-year-olds have been dubbed the missing generation. They have left the church building and aren't fitting into traditional structures. But the Talking Jesus research ( says they are very open to having conversations about…
On 2 March, Northern Ireland will vote for a new Assembly amid much uncertainty. DUP leader Arlene Foster faces criticism for an energy scheme that wasted hundreds of millions of public money. Sinn Fein faces a…
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have written to members of the General Synod setting out the next steps, following this week’s vote not to ‘take note’ of a report on Marriage and Same Sex Relationships.…