British Isles
Research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has revealed that two years ago 19 million people in the UK, nearly one in three, were living on less than the Minimum Income Standard (MIS). The problem is…
The Archbishop of Canterbury is ‘saddened and shocked’ by the Government’s decision to take only 350 unaccompanied refugee children. He said last week, ‘We believed that the Government was committed to welcoming up to 3,000 children.…
Members of the Church of England's ruling body have voted not to ‘take note’ of a controversial report on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The report by the House of Bishops (see Prayer Alert 05-2017, dated 3…
During the election campaign for a new Northern Ireland assembly, Sinn Féin has renewed its commitment to same-sex marriage. Promising to work to legislate for marriage equality, party members Gerry Kelly, Caral Ni Chuilin and Megan…
‘Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.’ (Eph. 6:4) Earlier in this letter, Paul urges husbands and wives to love and respect each other, laying…
Record numbers of patients spent more than four hours in accident and emergency units in England in January, figures leaked to the BBC suggest. It seems that January was the worst performing month since the four-hour…