British Isles
A prison's problems with new psychoactive substances (NPS) have led to high levels of violence, according to a HM Inspectorate of Prisons report which said that the availability of ‘legal highs’ could also overwhelm health services…
This year Parliament will decide on whether or not to replace Trident, the UK’s nuclear weapons system. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) reported polls showing a majority of the public opposing Trident replacement. In recent…
English royalty rarely speak of their beliefs, but Queen Elizabeth II has written about her faith in a foreword to a new book entitled The Servant Queen and the King She Serves. She wrote, ‘I have…
Three wards at Leicester Royal Infirmary have closed after 16 cancer patients were diagnosed with swine flu. The patients have been isolated to avoid an outbreak. Another three people with flu are being treated at the…
A sex abuse survivor accused the Church of England of attempts to prevent him from sharing his story. Graham Sawyer was abused by Bishop Peter Ball in 1970 and 1980. In a General Synod fringe meeting…
UK cities are taking in refugees, Birmingham has taken 50, but the need is enormous. Birmingham’s refugees are mostly Eritreans, Afghans, Sudanese and Iranians. Many need housing, all need friendship and support. People wanting to help…