British Isles
The European Union was birthed to foster cooperation between countries to avoid another war. It has grown into a ‘single market’ for goods and people to move around as if the EU was a country with…
The Church of England is to make far-reaching changes to the way it deals with cases of sex abuse, following an independent report detailing how senior C of E figures failed to act upon repeated disclosures…

Economic justice

18 Mar 2016
A bill introduced on 15 March by MP Caroline Flint, a member of the Public Accounts Committee, has proposed that companies should have to file new-style financial reports with Companies House so that their global tax…
A knock on the door and an inconvenient visit are often our only encounters with Jehovah's Witnesses, but Jesus loves them deeply and unconditionally. Do we love them too? Though they identify themselves as ‘Christian,’ Witnesses…
The organisation Housing Justice is the national voice of Christian action in the field of housing and homelessness. They believe that human dignity is challenged by the lack of decent housing; so they support night shelters,…
Staff at a nursery school threatened to refer a four-year-old boy to a de-radicalisation programme after he drew pictures which they thought showed his father making a ‘cooker bomb’. The child’s drawing actually depicted his father…