British Isles
The cost of housing is preventing nearly a quarter of 24 to-39 year-olds from starting a family, new research shows. Figures from the housing and homelessness charity Shelter and YouGov show that prospective parents across the…
More than half of British children don't eat a single portion of vegetables a day, according to Newsround's food survey. The Government recommends that everyone should have at least five portions of fruit and veg a…
The Mothers' Union is calling on its thousands of members up and down the country to pray that the families of election candidates ‘will not be affected by criticism or physical threats’. The organisation, which has…
Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh made a passionate defence of faith schools in the face of what he said was an attack on their basic ethos by the ‘forces of intolerance’. Leigh proposed the motion that…
Research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shows that the most deprived areas of England have seen the largest cuts in funding since 2010. There is still scope for many councils to save money by redesigning…
A report by the Health Select Committee found that acute and community care for people reaching the end of their lives varies around the UK, and has called for long-term sustainable funding for hospices. Report author…