British Isles
The penultimate British force has arrived in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. These troops were once in more than 130 bases, but this is now down to five, and will reduce still further. They now rarely…
This Government is fast becoming the most authoritarian threat to our liberties of the modern era. The Home Secretary Theresa May is intent on outlawing anything that people may find 'annoying'. John Bingham writes in the…
Many parents fear music videos have become too sexualised and violent, the founder of a parenting website has said. Siobhan Freegard, of Netmums, said parents were not prudes, but felt things had "gone too far". In…
The “absurd and ridiculous” pressure to have a perfect Christmas puts relationships under strain and “spoils life”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. The Most Rev Justin Welby said consumerism over the festive period is now…
Liverpool Councillors have called for extremely addictive high-stake betting machines to be banned from betting shops in the city. Councillor Nick Small said that Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs), which include virtual versions of casino games…
Many children aged nine to 11 are indulging in very risky behaviour online, suggests a survey. Many are sharing personal information and playing games rated for much older children, fhe survey drawn up by the ISC2…