British Isles
The Church of England has launched a fierce attack on the government, describing limited resources devoted to training religious education teachers as a scandal that is affecting "an essential part" of every child's studies. In an…
Three couples, including a gay couple, will have sex in a box in front of a studio audience as part of a new Channel 4 series. But the broadcaster has been accused of grabbing ratings under…
A Christian doctor who was sacked because he emailed a prayer to his colleagues has claimed hospital managers targeted him as an NHS whistleblower after he lost an appeal against his dismissal. Consultant paediatrician Dr David…
A church minister in Scotland has been arrested for the second time in a week while street preaching. The Rev Josh Williamson was arrested last week for ‘breach of the peace’ and again on Saturday in…
Bertolt Meyer, the academic known as "the bionic man", said yesterday that scientists and engineers should not be allowed to launch some technological advances on the open market without a prior ethical debate. Meyer, a key…
Over 10,000 people have signed the Jubilee Debt campaign petition for a ‘Jubilee for Justice’ calling for cancellation of the unjust debts of the most indebted nations, the promotion of just and progressive taxation policies, and…