British Isles
Live streaming of child sex abuse via webcams has emerged as a method of exploitation, experts have warned, amid a doubling of reported indecent images. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) said children were…
The Dail, (the Irish Parliament), is expected to conduct the first of a series of votes on the controversial issue of abortion in the coming days. If passed, the new legislation will allow abortion in Ireland…
The Archbishop of Canterbury is planning to expand the reach of credit unions as part of a long-term campaign to boost competition in the banking sector. He has approved proposals considering how the Church of England's…
Will it be another Anglican bunfight or will new Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby hold the communion together? Asks Sam Jones in last Sunday's Guardian. He writes “On Friday afternoon, the Church of England's General Synod…
David Cameron speaking at a national parliamentary prayer breakfast has praised the role of Christianity in society, but an Oxford professor says many Christians feel marginalised. The Prime Minister told delegates at the prayer breakfast, held…
A Christian group has reached an agreement with the Law Society after its marriage conference was cancelled at the last minute. Christian Concern was due to hold a conference in May last year at the Law…