British Isles
The Government has broken its pledge to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol. The Church of England, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, the Salvation Army and Quaker Action on Alcohol & Drugs are…
The future of traditional Indian weddings in Britain is in doubt because of the fallout from gay marriage passing into law, it has emerged. Sikh temples have been advised to halt all civil marriage ceremonies on…
Many will have seen and read that there is a planned demonstration by the right-wing English Defence League in Birmingham on Saturday and a counter demonstration by those opposed to their views. At Trumpet Call 2013…
‘Ethics and Corruption’ is one of the Social Justice Issues of our time. Intercessory prayer is our responsibility to stand in the gap on behalf of the poor, the broken, the hopeless and the lost and…
The Liverpool Care Pathway is to be abolished following a Government-commissioned review which heard that hospital staff wrongly interpreted its guidance for care of the dying, leading to stories of patients who were drugged and deprived…
11 hospital trusts are being placed in special measures because of major failings, the Government has announced. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the trusts, among 14 investigated for high death rates, had problems so entrenched that…