British Isles
More British children are being raised in one-parent families than in any other major European country because the tax and benefit system ‘encourages transient shack-ups’. One in five British children live with a single mother or…
Grim predictions for UK family finances up to 2015 are revealed in new evidence produced by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) for the Family and Parenting Institute (FPI), published yesterday. The report says the median…
There are over 450 Service Chaplains both full and part time attached to ships, units and stations, at home and abroad, ministering to Service personnel and their families. Some deploy to operational theatres such as Afghanistan…
The 2012 Games are likely to be a key target for criminal gangs who will look to take advantage of a larger than usual number of visitors heading to the UK. In July Theresa May launched…
Christian and pro-life groups are alarmed by proposals to allow assisted suicide for terminally ill people in England and Wales. The change is proposed in a report published today by the Commission on Assisted Dying, chaired…
Praying for your workplace is powerful - through prayer, organisational culture, relationships, management style, the bottom line, can all be impacted. But prayer is hard work. The group PrayerWorks seeks to support and network workplace pray-ers,…