British Isles
The BBC has chosen an atheist Hebrew scholar as the presenter of its new series on the Bible. In ‘The Bible’s Buried Secrets’ Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou will guide viewers through some of the latest archaeological discoveries…
In his pastoral letter to the Catholic Church, the Archbishop said repentance, self-denial, almsgiving and prayer were ‘part of the recipe’ for Lent. He said the season helped believers prepare to celebrate afresh ‘the great events…
People across Great Britain are getting ready to take a fresh look at the Gospel of Matthew during Lent with the Big Read. It is part of the Big Bible project, an online digital community that…
Christian social policy charity CARE has criticised the ‘unfair’ treatment of married couples in the tax system. In an analysis, the organisation raises concerns over the tax burden on families where one parent stays at home…
The word ‘marriage’ has vanished from Government statistics on conceptions. The official figures instead lump marriages and civil partnerships together under the label ‘legal partnership’. The new figures show there were around 900,000 conceptions in England…
dealing with the largest number of cases of forced marriage and honour-based violence they have ever seen. In the past 12 months, the Force has dealt with 49 cases of forced marriage, up from a typical…