British Isles
‘Fairtrade Fortnight' runs from 28th February-13th March and the Archbishop of York is calling for people to support it by organising events and buying Fairtrade produce. Since the launch of the first Fairtrade label in 1988,…
Twelve Pentecostal and New Church networks are combining their efforts in order to give their opinions political clout. Representatives from the churches have met senior Christian politicians and other Christian pressure groups to discuss how they…
The Anglican Communion and the Methodist Church say they must address the areas that continue to divide. Representatives of the two churches were in Cape Town, South Africa, this week for the Third Annual Meeting of…
Launched by the Church of England, The Real Easter Egg, a milk chocolate egg to celebrate the real meaning of Easter, is said to be the first and only Fairtrade egg to mention Jesus on the…
The Coalition Government must not lose sight of its ‘moral imperative’ for caring for society’s most vulnerable and those in need of assistance, the Archbishop of Westminster will urge in his annual Mass for the Sick…
A senior Conservative MP has slammed the coalition Government’s proposal ‘to do away with traditional marriage’. On Thursday the Equalities Office revealed that it will ‘formally look’ at redefining marriage so that homosexual couples can get…