British Isles
Secularism isn’t a neutral force in education and it attempts to exclude faith from the classroom risk of anti-religious indoctrination, according to a new report by a professor of education. Prof Trevor Cooling’s report, entitled Doing…
Only half of British adults are confident that Britain can now be described as ‘a Christian country’, according to research. The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has written to David Cameron urging him to review…
Jesus and Mary are usually the centre of attention at the school Nativity play, but Iain Duncan Smith says society – and the church – would do well to pay more attention to Joseph. Writing in…
Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, has charged several of the UK’s most prestigious universities of ‘turning a blind eye and a deaf ear’ to the increasing number of speeches defaming and delegitimizing Israel being made…
In a new case of shocking intolerance a Christian mental health worker has been effectively suspended by her employers because she expressed her opinion in a private conversation with colleagues and showed them a booklet containing…
Nativity scenes or references to the Bible story feature on fewer than one in 25 cards, according to a survey by The Sunday Telegraph. Christian groups said the findings were ‘disappointing’ and blamed the situation on…