British Isles
Sheffield shopping centre believes that allowing a Christian 'flash mob' at Christmas would compromise its impartiality. Shops across the country may be bedecked with seasonal decorations and Christmas greetings, but one of Europe’s largest shopping centres…
With a new study predicting that more than a 10th of Britain’s over-65-year-olds will be spending Christmas alone, Christians are being advised to ensure that older people in their communities are cared for this festive season.…
Christmas trees should be removed from public places to avoid making non-Christians feel ‘excluded’, scientists have suggested. The scientists conducted the study using 77 Christians and 57 non-believers, including Buddhists and Sikhs. The participants did not…
Twelve churches in Tower Hamlets have clubbed together to open a rolling night shelter for homeless people in the East London borough. The GrowTH project is offering homeless people a safe and warm place to sleep…
On Tuesday the Mayor of London Boris Johnson opened a new food depot in London that will distribute more than 300 tonnes of surplus food a year - the equivalent of 800,000 meals - to charities,…

B&B owners sued

17 Jan 2011
The Christian owners of a seaside Bed & Breakfast are being sued for refusing to allow two homosexuals to share a double bed because it would be contrary to their Christian faith. The B&B they own…