British Isles
More than a third of young people in the UK aged 16 to 24 do not feel part of their local community, research by the Prince's Trust suggests. The study of more than 2,000 youngsters found…
The former Bishop of Rochester is urging Education Secretary Michael Gove to restore the teaching of Christianity in Britain's schools. Writing in Standpoint magazine, the Rt Rev Nazir-Ali welcomed the move to end what he calls…
Condom use and their promotion in TV ads only helps to promote risk-taking behaviour in young people - behaviour that contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted disease and teenage pregnancies, the Society for the Protection…
Over 200 people from all over the world gathered in Manchester Cathedral over the weekend for a candlelit TaizĂ© service, as the Student Christian Movement (SCM) celebrates a growth in interest among students. The service on…
Two religious leaders are claiming an historic first after an Islamic Imam preached at a Christian chapel. For the first time a Muslim, Dr Taj Hargey, from the Summertown Islamic Congregation in Oxford, was welcomed to…
November 6th will be a National Day of Prayer for our Armed Forces. A number of Christian organisations support the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom and work closely with the Service chaplaincies. These organisations include…