British Isles
One in three children is accessing a ‘tsunami’ of explicit pornographic images on the internet by the age of ten, a study has revealed. Four in five teenagers regularly look up unsuitable photographs or film on…
Christian Concern says thank you for your continuing support of ‘Not Ashamed’ (See Prayer Alert 3910). With just a few days to go until the 1st December launch, momentum is growing. Signatures on the declaration continue…
Sheila Matthews, a paediatrician of 18 years, sat on an adoption panel and asked to abstain from voting on whether children should be placed with homosexual couples, due to her Christian beliefs. This resulted in her…

Royal Engagement

19 Nov 2010
Clarence House announced plans for a 2011 Royal wedding on Tuesday, to the delight of the couple's parents, politicians and well-wishers. Prince William asked for Miss Middleton's hand in marriage while they were on holiday in…
An e-book which billed itself as a guide for paedophiles has been withdrawn from sale by prominent online retailer after horrified customers called for a boycott of the site. The book, entitled The Paedophile’s Guide…
On Sunday Fr Dermott Harkin of at St Brigid's Church, Londonderry used Mass to attack republican gunmen believed to be responsible for shooting one of his parishioners. The victim, a convicted sex offender, was beaten and…