British Isles
During his weekly general audience at the Vatican Pope Benedict XVI declared: ‘I can't wait to undertake my trip to the United Kingdom’. He said he was aware that preparation for the controversial visit had required…
The public policy think tank ResPublica has called for a ‘radical’ overhaul of the Gift Aid system to bring it up to speed with the digital age. It said the system was ‘antiquated’ and ‘bureaucratic’ and…
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has spoken out on the issue of sex trafficking, criticising the Government for opting out of an EU directive on the issue. Speaking in the Yorkshire Post he said:…
The Church of England is advertising Back to Church Sunday 2010, September 26, on the radio stations Classic FM and Heart FM, to deliver a message of welcome into the homes of 1.3 million people. The…
A new form of worship, removing words such as ‘Lord, he, his, him’ and ‘mankind’ from services, has been written by the church in an attempt to acknowledge that God is ‘beyond human gender’. Episcopalian bishops…
The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Wales made a desperate plea on 7 September to nonconformist Christians in Wales. Addressing the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Wales in Lampeter, Rev Gwenda Richards said…