British Isles
New research suggests that women with a high level of alcohol intake are more likely to take the morning after pill or have an abortion. According to the University College London study, women who binge drink…
Church Action on Poverty has voiced concern over the impact of George Osborneā€™s Budget one day after a respected think tank warned that financial cutbacks were hitting the poor hardest. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said…
Church bells across the country will ring in tune with the United Nations next month to mark crucial international talks on biodiversity. As the bells toll at the UN headquarters in both New York and Nairobi,…
Christian relief and development agency Tearfund is asking Christians to consider leaving a legacy in their will as part of their discipleship. Tearfund made the call following its decision to join the Christian Legacy consortium, a…
A new report commissioned by the Association of Chief Police Officers revealed for the first time the true scale of immigration prostitution and trafficking. At least 2,600 women were confirmed as being trafficked into England and…
Marolin Watson of Hope UK has expressed concern that we are quick to support international outreach, but may be neglecting the needs on our own doorstep? Children and young people in Great Britain are losing their…