Tens of thousands of people have prodigal family members. The dictionary defines a prodigal as extravagant, a big spender. The word describes the son in the well-known parable: does it also describe the Father, who threw a great extravagant feast in honour of to his errant son? You might empathise with him; he loves his son but has not seen him in many months and is worried about his adventure in the big, wide, often dangerous world. Fathers, mothers and siblings of prodigals know the deep ache as they pray for them to come back to Jesus. Prodigals are on God’s heart. Ask Him to prompt families to know when to open a reconciling conversation, and when to remain silent. May there be strengthened relationships so that people draw closer together.
Pray for our prodigals
Written by David Fletcher 21 Dec 2018
Additional Info
- Pray: for God to call the prodigals home and give them a clear revelation about Jesus this Christmas. (Luke 15:7)
- More: www.worldprayer.org.uk/world-prayer-centre-news/item/11278-praying-for-our-loved-ones-to-come-home-at-christmas
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