Birmingham church leaders sign tea-drinking pledge to oppose anti-Islam march

Written by David Fletcher 22 Jan 2016
Birmingham church leaders sign tea-drinking pledge to oppose anti-Islam march

Pegida UK is an anti-Islam organisation that holds protests against what it describes as ‘mass immigration and Islamisation of the West’ and is led by Tommy Robinson, formerly of the English Defence League. The Bishop of Birmingham is among those urging people who oppose this group to share a cup of tea with someone from another ethnic, cultural or religious background. The ‘Hope not Hate’ pledge is being organised to counter a march due to take place in Birmingham on 6 February at midday. Birmingham has a long and proud tradition as a diverse and harmonious city, known historically as the ‘city of a thousand trades’. People have always come from around the world to work in Birmingham, and still do to this day. Unfortunately despite its roots and proud history, the city has been 'chosen' by Pegida as the target for the British leg of a European 'day of action' targeting Muslim communities. When the English Defence League marched in Birmingham in 2013, over fifty people were jailed, thousands of pounds’ worth of damage was done, and thirty police officers were injured.

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