Christians in Parliament prayer requests

Written by David Fletcher 22 Jan 2016
Christians in Parliament prayer requests

Please pray that the fortnightly Tuesday lunchtime services on the parables of Jesus over the coming months will be a source of encouragement and nourishment to those who attend and for the speakers as they prepare what they will say. On 21 March the Speaker’s house event will include a talk on an Easter theme: please pray for a good attendance from MPs and staff. The annual national parliamentary prayer breakfast will take place on 21 June, and will be chaired by Fiona Bruce MP. The main speaker will be Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK. Please pray for the preparations for the breakfast, and for many church leaders to attend with their local MP. Please also pray for the ongoing Bible study groups with both MPs and staff.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for new contacts with other Christians working across the parliamentary estate, and for wisdom as other events are organised throughout 2016. (Ps.127:1)